A Short Explanation Of Why All The Girls At Coachella Dress The Same

Coachella, Daisies, Glastonbury and Falls Festival are all well-known and popular music gatherings around the world, and yet the fashion is still the same.
Here’s What Happens When You Click On That Fake Ray-Ban Instagram Ad

If you ever suspect something fishy is going on with deals that seem too good to be true, rather don’t click on the link. Otherwise, this could be you.
Download All Your Instagram Videos And Photos

Apparently Instagram is adding an “equivalent to Facebook’s Download Your Information tool” for the first time, so let’s see what that actually means.
2017’s Most Hashtagged Suburbs And Restaurants In South Africa

According to the public hashtags used across Instagram last year, these are the most popular suburbs and restaurants in SA. Oh, and take a guess which city comes out tops.
Stunning Pictures And Videos From Last Night’s #CapeStorm

You might have though that last night’s sunset was one for the books, but then came the lightning. Boy, did Mother Nature spoil us.
Why Don’t Jennifer Garner’s Instagram Videos Get More Attention?

Some celebs post to social media and it’s instantly news, but others seem to fly under the radar. Why aren’t more people talking about Jennifer Garner’s cracking Instagram account?
‘Craigslist Mirrors’ Is Your New Favourite Instagram Account

If you have ever tried to sell a mirror, you might have realised a little too late that you featured in its reflection. Well, one Instagram account collects them.
Emily Ratajkowski Can’t Stop Posting Nudes For Her Husband

Emily Ratajkowski might have recently married, but that doesn’t mean that she has slowed down on showing some skin to her Instagram followers.
Bansky Is Back With Two New Artworks Up In New York [Images]

Waking up to a rat in a clock, New Yorkers were excited to realise that Banksy was back in the city to shake things up.
What We Know About Vero, The Shady App Taking On Instagram

Perhaps you’ve heard of Vero, the latest social media app taking the world by storm. Look a little closer, though, and you might find yourself questioning jumping on the bandwagon.
Instagram Account Shows What ‘Everyday Extinction’ Looks Like

As humans play an increasingly significant role in adversely affecting the world’s biodiversity levels, one man is on a mission to educate us all.
The Planet’s Most Liked Instagram Post Has Changed

Beyonce’s twin pregnancy Instagram post sat atop the throne as the most-liked post of all time. Until now, that is.
Here’s A Great New Way To Stalk People On Instagram

In what appears to be a never-ending effort to make all of their apps the same, Facebook has made some stalker-friendly changes to Instagram.
Hang On, Candice Swanepoel Makes HOW MUCH For An Instagram Post?

Candice Swanepoel has just been announced as the most influential lingerie model in the world, which is why she can fetch such a whopping amount of cash per post.
10 Instagram Posts That Showcase The Best Camps Bay Has To Offer

While strutting your stuff in Camps Bay, it’s not difficult to come across spectacular moments that scream “live the holiday”. Of course Instagram has them in spades.
Let’s Take A Look At Zuma’s Wives On Instagram

Chances are you’ve come across someone like Melania Trump on Instagram, but what about the wives of dear JZ? Get ready for some serious oversharing.
Guess Who Took The Most Instagram Likes For 2017

The list of top 10 most-liked Instagram accounts features the usual names. Let’s check those out, as well as a few other facts from the platform’s end-of-year review.
Vanity Fair Wrote A Piece On The End Of Social Media

Love it or loathe it, but there’s really no escaping the effects of social media on society today. When we look back in years to come, what will we think of our behaviour?
Candice Swanepoel is Back!

Set to strut her stuff on the catwalk in Shanghai today with the rest of the Victoria’s Secret Angels, Candice Swanepoel teased her fans with a few snaps in some lingerie.
Drake Spots Harassment In Audience – Stops Concert To “F*ck You Up” [Video]

Performing at a post-concert gig in Australia, Drake stopped the show to call out a man who was harassing someone in the crowd.
Shocking Shark-Dragging Case Shakes Florida’s Boating Community [Video]

After a series of shocking videos surfaced, each featuring familiar culprits torturing sharks, a host of Florida locals have taken to naming and shaming. Take a look at what they did.
Single Viral Instagram Photo Landed This Unknown Woman a Modelling Contract

Overnight sensation Anok Yai unwittingly turned a single post on Instagram into a contract at one of the world’s elite modelling agencies.
Caitlyn Jenner Relishes In Her Fantasy Swimsuit Moment [Video]

To celebrate her 68th birthday, Caitlyn Jenner headed down to Mexico where she flaunted her “authentic self”, bathing suit and all.
Fake ‘Miss Teen SA’ Instagram Account Dupes Girls Into Sending Nudes

You can’t trust anyone these days, and that extends to Instagram accounts. The way a spam Instagram account got teens to send nudes was pretty convincing.
18-Year-Old Instagram Star Live Streams Sex Session To 3,9 Million Followers By Mistake

Kristen Hancher is all about posting selfies and racking up followers, although earlier this week she gave them a little more insight into her life than she intended.
Sorry Guys, But Barack Obama Has Just Raised The Wedding Anniversary Stakes [Video]

Michelle and Barack celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary yesterday, and Barack decided that it was time to put his love on display.
Drama As Instagram Turns Rape Post Into Advert

Facebook is currently under much scrutiny for allowing advertisers to target users interested in detestable topics, and now Instagram has also dropped the ball.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn – All The SA Social Media Stats

South Africa’s social media data king yesterday released his company’s annual report, detailing some basic facts about various platforms. Instagram, you’re slipping.
Instagram Models Slammed For Posting Half-Naked Photos Amid Hurricane ‘Thoughts And Prayers’

As hurricanes wreak havoc the internet is awash with those ‘thoughts and prayers’ messages, some of which come with a spicy picture.
This Is How You Can Get Your Instagram Account Verified

There’s far more than just pride at stake when it comes to being verified on Instagram. Turns out with the right connections and some cash you’re all good.