What Is Life? #RichKidsOfInstagram Will Become A Reality TV Show

“They have more money than you and this is what they do.” So obviously there’s a lion on the roof of a Ferrari over there. The Rich Kids Of Instagram tumblog rose to prominence around 18 months ago, and every day since, they have dutifully published real-life Instagrams of young people spending/enjoying money that they did not earn.
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt’s Instagram Feed Is Packed Full Of Hot Women [PICS]

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been getting up to some interesting things on Instagram. So what is Schmidt getting up to on the photo sharing platform?
Please Enjoy: The World’s Best Basketball Player Rapping Jay-Z’s ‘Niggas In Paris’ [VIDEO]

Basketball star LeBron “The King” James entertained some of his fans on Instagram on Tuesday with some light rapping. The audio clips have received over 54,000 and 62,000 likes respectively.
Heidi Klum Shows Bare Bum On Instagram, Masquerading As A Sunburn Pic [PIC]

While vacationing in the Bahamas, Heidi Klum and family enjoyed some fun in the sun. But it was the Instagram picture that she uploaded of her behind that has grabbed everybody’s attention.
By The Numbers: A Day In The Life Of Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

This infographic has been compiled by Saxum and contains statistics for 10 of the popular social networking sites. This infographic opens your eyes to all the things that happening on social media sites.
The Instagram President – Barack Obama’s South African Tour Through Your Eyes [GALLERY]

Every move the United States president Barack Obama has made has been documented by all. On Twitter and Instagram, Obama is the favourite to get a few pioctures of.
Meet The Man With The Biggest Instagram Following In South Africa [GALLERY + INTERVIEW]

Justin Bieber has quite the following on photo-sharing network Instagram, but what about the hidden gems out there that have used it as a platform to showcase their talent and exactly what the app can do? If you’re on Instagram or in the photo industry and you haven’t heard of Craig Howes, now is the […]
Obama Is Coming To Africa – Follow The Whitehouse On Instagram, Here [PIC]

On Wednesday the White House was said to be “embracing new filters”, those from Instagram. The new Instagram account will provide insight into the life of the US president while on his trip to Africa.
Step-By-Step Instructions To Send Video On Instagram

And the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. This is the “how to” guide to creating a hipster-esque Instagram video. Mashable has brought us step-by-step instructions to using the new Instagram 4.0 feature that is set to wipe out Vine and other annoying social media in the near future. Once you’ve installed and upgraded […]
Stop Motion Animation Made From 1,600 Instagrams Is Awesome [VIDEO]

The creative duo of Paul B. Cummings and Eriq Wities (those are actual names) has created this whimsical stop motion animation of one man’s dismally failed mission to the beach. The pair shot just under 1,600 ‘grams, which they posted to their feed (possible follower exhaustion alert). They animated the shots over the course of three […]
Hipsters’ Brains Set To Explode – Video Likely To Be Added To Instagram By June 20

TechCrunch, (the reliable source of anything you want to know on the Tech/Sci front) has announced that, according to a trusted source, Instagram will have a video feature come Thursday. Facebook is rumoured to reveal this new product that will enable Instagrammers to record and share videos across social networks whilst giving Vine a run […]
In Other News: Rihanna Thanks Her Friends’ “C*nts,” On Instagram

I’m not sure if you’re following Rihanna in Insteez, but you really should. The things she says and the pictures she takes will keep you amused as you flitter through your liquid time.. You might be wondering what is going on in this particular picture. Well, according to Rihanna’s Instagram (badgalriri) she received ‘cute ass’ […]
Step Down, Instagram – These Raybans Come With Their Own Photo Filter [PICS+VIDEO]

Sometimes looking through sunglasses can take you into a world of colour, that you want the rest of your friends to see. And don’t lie I’m sure you have all tried the classic, trying to take a photo while holding your sunglasses up to a landscape and snapping a shot on your handheld through them. […]
Social Networks Don’t Play Together Anymore – Here’s Why

There was once a time when all social media platforms were in harmony. There was no bickering or back handed fighting. That time is no more. Find out why
In Terms Of Cuteness, This Is The French Bulldog To Beat [VIDEO]

Is it a pug? Is it a alien? No, it’s Sir Charles Barkley the French Bulldog from Seattle with his own Instagram and Facebook page. Owners Paul and Melissa started Barkley’s Instagram account in order to avoid bombarding their friends’ feeds with photos of their new baby. Little did they know that this fuzz ball was […]
Justin Bieber’s Meltdown Continues With Instagram Rant

It has begun! It had to begin some time, right? By now we’re sure you’re all up to date with the recent… let’s call it rebellion that the Biebz is throwing down. Oh, you aren’t? You should probably watch the video of the time his security had to hold him back from clawing the eyes out […]
Kids Are Abandoning Facebook To Flee Their Cyber-Stalking Parents

This is what happens when you start hanging out at the playground, mom and dad. The kids find another playground. According to CNET, and everyone you know, teenagers are leaving Facebook in droves. Why? Privacy. Personally, we’re not all that surprised. No one wants to post pictures of themselves climbing a yacht mast in a […]
Do You Have An Instagram Account? Why Not Get Yourself An Instagram Cushion For R350! #nofilter

Throw cushions. People go mental over them, and they always will. Why? It’s a basic design principle – throw cushions afford you the opportunity to add a splash of colour to your place without you needing to repaint a whole frigging wall. And here’s another thing: everyone Instagrams, but the resolution doesn’t usually lend itself […]
North Korea Tiptoes Cautiously Into The World Of Instagram [PICS]

It’s taken long enough. Imagine never being able to tweet, Facebook or dare I say it… Instagram! I mean, why would you even eat? After being “out of the loop” for the better part of forever, North Korea has finally developed a 3G mobile network called Koryolink. But there’s a catch – the service is […]
Israeli Soldier Intagrams Photo Of Palestinian Child In His Crosshairs [PIC]

Instagram can make any amateur photographer look good, but we’re not sure if a filter is going to cut it in this case. Mor Ostrovski, a 20 year old Isreali solider took this photo through his sniper rifle of a Palestinian boy’s head, who was obviously unaware that a rifle was aimed at the back […]
Couple Falls In Love On Instagram #NoFilter

Santiago Perez Grovas (26) and Taylor Dee (22) met and fell in love on Instagram. The pair are Instagram royalty in their own rights, with 70 000 and 18 000 followers respectively. Their love affair started when Grovas reached 50 000 followers on the social media site, and to celebrate posted a competition. To enter […]
Sam The Cat Has Awesome Eyebrows

Sam is a cat, and Sam has awesome eyebrows. As a result, in the space of just over a month, Sam and his eyebrows have attracted a few thousand followers on Instagram.
BEHOLD: This Thing Streams Your Facebook/Instagram Pics Into Your Home In Real-Time

Instacube is the living canvas for your Instagram and Facebook photos. Finally liberated from your smart devices, Instacube streams (real-time) the candids of your friends, family and favorite people to you throughout the day.
Everything You Need To Know About 2012 In Four Minutes [VIDEO]

We said goodbye to 2012 earlier this week, and what an exciting year it was! From Barack Obama’s election victory, to the antics of Honey Boo Boo – we experienced it all!
From Whitney To Donna: A Sampling Of Songs From Artists Who Died In 2012 [VIDEO]

The New York Times has once again compiled their annual video montage, featuring a sampling of songs by artists who died during 2012.
Instagram’s Top 10 Photos Of 2012 [GALLERY]

Photo-sharing website Instagram has released a photo compilation of some of their top 10 biggest events of 2012. It was selected from all the images uploaded this year by their more than 100 million users.
The Biggest Social Media Moments Of 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC]

2012 has been one crazy year for social media! Facebook went public, Pinterest was named Best New Startup, Facebook bought Instagram, and Psy’s “Gangnam Style” became the most viewed YouTube video in history with more than one billion views so far!
Friday Morning Spice

Small French village is safe from apocalypse. Instagram reverses privacy policy. Students admit to faking eagle video. Facebook tests charging $1 a message. Apple’s pinch-and-zoom patent rejected. Zuma’s grip almost 100%. Anchorman 2 release date.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Your new president. Obama backs auto-weapon ban. Instagram backtracks on privacy policy. China detains 500 for doomsday rumours. Zuckerberg donates $500 million. Adam Lanza loved playing Call of Duty. Ireland to legalise abortions. New face of Burberry..
Instagram Turns Evil With New Terms Of Service – Your Life Now Belongs To Them

You will not believe this. Those of you who thought your privacy was safe on Instagram obviously forgot that Facebook bought it. Their new ToS goes live on January 16, and it will frighten you. Under its new Terms Of Service agreement, Instagram now has the right to share all your information with Facebook, to […]