This is probably something Joan Rivers would approve of, and find completely amusing. And then shred apart the person doing it on TV. Or live. Or to their face on live TV…
Golf pro Greg Norman almost lost his hand while trimming trees in his garden with a chainsaw. Safety first, kids… safety first.
Barbie has decided she needs to join the social media craze and has started an Instagram account. Expect pics of her and Ken pouting and cruising around in a pink convertible.
The $1 billion company bought by Facebook is taking photo sharing to new heights with this new app. Now everyone will be a professional videographer too.
It’s time to curb that excessive hashtag usage when posting pictures to Instagram, as these images can showcase the ridiculousness of the current situation.
As the world griefs with the loss of one of the most beloved actors and comedians of our time, memories and tributes continue to pour in. This was Robin’s last Instagram post from 2 weeks ago and it is incredibly poignant.
Pop star Miley Cyrus goes with more shock value attempts on social media, now uploading an image of herself urinating on a tree.
The former BFFs have put their past behind them, as Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, among others, partied up Ibiza.
South Africans will be some of the first to try out Instagram’s new “one-tap” messaging app, Bolt, before it’s released to the rest of the world.
Whenever rumours about the superstar surface – which they do frequently given her fame – Beyonce tends to have her own way of responding to the noteworthy ones. Not in words, per say, but through pics on Instagram. This is the latest one…
Entourage star Adrian Grenier posted a picture of reality-star Kim Kardashian to Instagram, but it has a lot more depth to it than you may think.
Teen does the unthinkable and accidentally sends a naked picture of herself to her dad. There’s no coming back from that, ever!
Prepare to cringe at the ridiculous level of materialism flaunted by a teen who has launched a new SnapChat account to show off his wealth.
Instagram cost this mother all her family snaps because she posted an adorable photo of her four-year-old daughter showing off her belly… inappropriate how??
Besides Dove ads featuring Victor Matfield, it’s not every day we see the softer side of Springbok rugby players. That is why you will plutz for this Instagram video..
Cindy Crawford – one of the top international faces of super modeling in the 90’s, and still one of the most recognizable faces today. Will her gorgeous spawn follow in her footsteps?
Struggling to handle the different social media demands? Here is the ultimate cheat-sheet to become a guru at Facebook, Twitter and all the other big players in the social sphere.
This is what happens when you’re constantly in the eye of the public: with just one week after the Elliot Rodger shooting, Khloe Kardashian posted a controversial picture on Instagram, causing outrage amongst fans.
Instagram, home of sunset shots, hashtags and puddlegrams, has a dark underbelly creating waves through the local Instagram community. The centre of all the fuss is a man, a bot, his many accounts and all the tens of thousands of followers his bot has fetched.
Porn for Women is set to show what women REALLY want….
Can you remember your first selfie? Was it of you and mates sharing a good time or was it you pulling the dreaded duckface? It might just be a pic of two smiling old people, but we highly doubt your first selfie was as epic as Joe Biden’s.
Can’t get enough of Instagram videos of cats doing funny things, or dogs being adorable and goofy? Instagram video junkies can now fritter their live’s away watching 15-second videos on this app that turns Instagram into a TV.
The daughter of Bob Geldof, Peaches Geldof, was found dead in unexplained circumstances in her home on 7 April. Just 24 hours before she was found dead, Peaches shared a haunting image of her as child with her mother, who passed away from a drug over dose in 2000.
If you ever wanted the template for how James Franco hooks up with random women, today is the day that you get that template. It goes like this: James meets fan. Fan posts selfie and tags James. James direct messages fan. James asks fan if she’s 18. James asks fan if he should rent a […]
I was in Joburg last week, and while cruising around the Pineslopes shopping centre in Fourways in search of an emergency fluffy bathrobe, I happened upon vida’s new Pineslopes store. I went inside to nail my customary wet-wet-wet-meia-de-leite-to-hamba, and it hit me like a frigging fist to the face – the FRIO.
Justin Bieber showcased how big of an asshole he really is in his deposition, but his ego holds no bounds. This time the pop-star is comparing himself to the rebel without a cause, James Dean.
Starving artists and freelancers are far too familiar with the impending threat of bills. Brooklyn-based photographer, Daniel Arnold had no idea where he was going to get the next month’s rent. So on the eve of his 34th birthday, the desperate Arnold decided to sell some prints on his Instagram account as a last resort.
The 80s phoned and they want Instagram back. If you could please save all of your pictures on a couple of floppy disks or cassettes and mail them back to the 80s – that would be great. The YouTube series “Wonders of the World Wide Web” re-imagines what Instagram would have looked like back in the day.
It’s another one of those classic moment where you’ll kick yourself so hard for not doing this first in South Africa. These guys have absolutely NAILED IT with a super-slick online service that will blow your mind.
Big news everyone! Prince Harry has decided to keep his big, ginger beard right were it belongs.