Friday, March 7, 2025

This Is Your Brain On Sugar [VIDEO]

This fascinating animation by Dr Nicole Avena for TED-Ed explains how sugar causes your brain’s dopamine levels to spike, creating a sugar rush and causing you to crave more of it. She also reveals how the increasing amount of sugar in food today is increasing our desire for a sugar high, much like a drug addiction.

Leonardo Is Sucking On E-Cigarettes These Days [PHOTOS]

California banned smoking in public places over 20 years ago, which is why the site of DiCaprio having a smoke inside the Golden Globe Awards ceremony caught some people off guard. It’s all good though, he was just taking a hit of his e-cigarette. Meanwhile, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who was sitting alongside a surprised-looking Reese Witherspoon, was […]

Amazing Body Atlas Shows Exactly Where We Feel Our Emotions

Did you know jealousy is all in your head? No, seriously, science says so. Sometimes people say that they feel stress in their neck or anxiety in their stomach, and it turns out that they’re onto something. This is according to the new Body Atlas produced by Finnish scientists which shows a heat map of where different emotions are likely to manifest in our bodies.

Medical Journal Says Multivitamins Are A Complete Waste Of Money

It’s time to chuck your multivitamins down the toilet. If you thought taking your daily dose of Vitamin A, B, C and whatever was making you healthier, you thought wrong. A recent editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine says that using supplements and multivitamins to help chronic conditions is a complete waste of time. […]

Mashable Gives 5 Reasons Why People Are Leaving Facebook

It always seemed like only a matter of time before Facebook users started questioning how much time they were expending online, and now the questions have started coming thick and fast from the group of people Facebook relies on most – the millinials.

Finally: South Africans Can Book Doctor’s Appointments Via This Website

For most of us, finding a new Doctor that is competent, caring and close by is near-impossible. Finding the time to actually call to make a booking is even more difficult. Asking around often proves fruitless; online directories only supply contact details. And even if you find a doctor with a web booking form, how do you know if they’re any good?

If Models Were Fashion Sketches, They’d Look Like This

A new campaign aims to warn women about the dangers of anorexia, through these evocative photo and sketch comparisons. If you lined up the sketches that fashion designers draw, and then realised them in three-dimensions, this is what you would get.

It Seems SA’s Addiction To Porn Is Getting Out Of Hand

It seems as if we South African’s have a bit of a porn problem. Reports claim that ‘porn addiction’ is on the rise in our fair land, with kids as young as 15 being checked into therapy, and millions of rands being spent on porn subscriptions each month.

Don’t Read This If You Dig Fast Food

Most of us love fast food. But periodically, we need to remind ourselves of just how nasty fast food is, before we can make an informed decision about whether or not to carry on eating it. Here is a reminder.

The Bush Is Officially Back

A recent study in the UK has revealed that more and more women have decided to go au naturale, while more and more men are okay with that. Yup. Despite being bombarded with images of pubic topiary whenever Britney Spears or Paris Hilton got out of a cab, it seems as if the trend is now to totally neglect the razor.

Forbes Gives Us 13 Things That ‘Mentally Strong’ People Avoid

Many of us worry whether our bodies get enough exercise – but it’s important to remember that our mental health is just as important if we want to be successful and healthy. Clinical social worker Amy Morin prepared this list of things to avoid in order for your mind to be as strong as steel

Please Can We All Stop This ‘Gluten-Free’ Obsession Now?

It can be said with a certain degree of confidence that those people who order gluten-free pizzas don’t even know what gluten is, what it does, or why they’re actually rejecting it. It’s a fad now, and the health-conscious are paying good money for bland bread, made out of cornflour. But why?

Australia Declares Katy Perry’s Album A Bio-Hazard

In yet another case showcasing Australia’s uber-tight border control regulations, officials at Australia’s customs desk have declared international copies of Katy Perry’s new album, “Prism,” to be an indisputable bio-hazard. Why? Is it because her album is just so terrible and they need an excuse to get it off the number one spot on Australia’s Aria chart? No. It’s because Katy Perry gives away free seeds with her album.

World’s Fattest Man Finds Love With 7/10 American Woman [PICS + VIDEO]

Weighing in at 445 kilograms at his heaviest, Paul Mason was the worlds fattest man. Constricted to his bed because of massive bulk, the 52 year-old had to consume 20,000 calories a day just to keep himself going. That was until he underwent a mammoth surgery procedure at the NHS, which helped him get rid of a staggering 300 kilograms of fat. Now that he’s lean – he’s managed to bag himself a woman with the help of the internet. The fat guy’s got game.

Bill Gates Doesn’t Believe That Global Internet Connectivity Should Be Our #1 Priority

You would expect Bill Gates to be at the at the front of the march when it comes to campaigning for the whole world to be online. In response to Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to bring the whole world online, however, Gates insisted that internet accessibility shouldn’t be our number one priority. Despite the fact that Gates is still Microsoft’s chairman, he spends most of his time focusing on philanthropy through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Drink – Neither Do These Other Stars

We tend to assume that high-flying celebrities all drink. What else would you do with all that cash and all that free time? Well, it turns out that there’s a fair few who simply choose not to drink, despite the fact that they may get paid to advertise alcohol (like Kim K did). We’re not sure if it makes us feel more guilty, or if it brings us hope that celebrities may turn out to be good role models after all.

Attention Girls: The ‘Thigh Gap’ Is Not A Good Thing

In the past, girls would compare themselves to persons in their vicinity – checking to see who the skinniest girl in the room is, and seeing how they match up. Now, they have the internet for that – and the girls on the internet are way skinnier than anyone you might ever really meet. The proliferation of photo-sharing sites like Pinterest, along with the concept on ‘thinspiration’ has caused mass hysteria as girls across the world attempt to get as skinny as possible – and maybe one day achieving the infamous ‘thigh gap”.

This Is How Sugar Is Killing The World [VIDEO]

The Credit Suisse Research Institute has released their 2013 study, titled: ‘Sugar: Consumption at a Crossroad’. The study found that millions of people worldwide are affected by type II diabetes or obesity, costing the global healthcare system billions of dollars every year.

Beat Around The Bosch – SA’s First Fun Run Concert

Beat Around the Bosch is SA’s first combined running and live music event, and it’s happening in Stellenbosch on 28 September! The event is the first of its kind because no other running race has ever featured live music from six stages around the 7,95km track through the historic student and winelands town.

Man Loses The Ability To Feel Sad After Suffering Stroke

68-year-old, Malcom Myatt of England, will never be sad again. After spending 19 weeks in the hospital due to a stroke he suffered, doctors told him the frontal lobe of his brain had been destroyed. That’s the section of the brain that controls emotions.