World’s “Most Hated Hacker” On Why He Gave Up Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning is considered to be a hero by many, and a villain by others. He was the man responsible for leaking classified material he had obtained from US databases to WikiLeaks. Click through to read about the man that gave him up.
Three Government Websites Hacked
It’s not often that the South African government faces attacks from hackers. Sure, Anonymous has its fair share of information it’s retrieved over time, but this wasn’t the work of Anonymous.
UK Government Sites Taken Down By Hacktivist Group Anonymous As Part Of “Operation Free Assange”
While Julian Assange, the white-haired founder of whistleblower website WikiLeaks, is busy getting comfortable for what looks like an extended stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, hacker activist group Anonymous has been getting busy. Uniting under the banner of “Operation Free Assange”, the group soon rallied their support against the British Government.
Anonymous Hacks U.S. Department of Justice
Oh hey, that V-for-Vendetta-themed hacker collective is back, this time with a 1,7 GB lump of data that they claim “used to belong to the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics.” The file was uploaded to the Pirate Bay yesterday, and allegedly contains “internal emails, and the entire database dump.”
Anonymous’ Hack Scandal Forces Head of HBGary’s Resignation
Anonymous, the online sort-of-anarchic sort-of-activist group, forced Aaron Barr, head of HBGary Federal, the massive American tech security company, to resign. Which is sort of a huge deal in the way that Charlie Sheen isn’t. Even though I love everything that Charlie Sheen touches.