How To Stay One Step Ahead With These Cyber Security Tips

Staying clued up on the various types of cyber-attacks and knowing how to shield yourself from them is essential in today’s fast-paced world.
Hectic Hackers Hijack Eastern Cape Municipality’s Facebook And Flood It With Porn

Last week, the page boasted 22,000 followers, a number that has surged by 1,000 in recent days. Among the shocking x-rated videos, one has garnered a staggering 94,000 views.
How Uber Drivers Are ‘Hacking’ The Airport Queuing System

A video has surfaced on X that allegedly shows how Uber drivers at OR Tambo Airport are ‘rigging the system’ to jump the queuing system the platform has in place, and needles to say, it’s not to the benefit of passengers.
Peeping Tom Who Hacked Into Webcams Of 772 People In 39 Different Countries Is Finally Facing Jail

Married father-of-three, Christopher Taylor, went global with his sex-spying shinanigans.
You Might Not Want To Plug In Your Phone At Public Charging Stations Anymore

Where a hack is possible, hackers will find a way.
One-Man Hacking Machine Is Taking On North Korea

To take on one of the world’s most repressive regimes you have to have some serious ‘cojones’, and an American hacker who goes by P4x clearly does.
Tesla Has A Hacking Problem

A hacker was able to remotely open the doors and windows of Tesla cars around the world, as well as turn on music, flash the headlights, and even start the engines.
Panic At The Exact Moment You Realise Your Prison Has Been Hacked [Video]

Evin Prison, located in Iran’s capital city, is renowned for its mistreatment of inmates. Hackers have now given the world irrefutable proof.
Hacker Tries To Poison Entire City’s Water Supply

A quick-thinking operator managed to stop a hacker from poisoning thousands, after they gained access to the Florida water supply system.
“Just Put The Phone Down!” – What To Watch Out For After Experian Data Breach

At the time, Experian assured South Africans that their data had been recovered and secured. The truth is that as many as 24 million people and nearly 800 000 businesses are at risk.
Payback As Cape Town Woman Gets Revenge On Dating App Scammer

When a scammer tried to catfish Capetonian Jessica Carver, he didn’t know that he was messing with the wrong woman.
Hackers Are Finding Creative Ways To Steal Your Data At Airports

When travelling overseas, you’ll come across some seemingly convenient tech solutions at airports. Here’s a word of warning.
What Facebook Is Doing To Stop Trump-Style 2019 SA Election Meddling

Facebook is adding a new safety feature to South African pages, in an attempt to prevent fake news and meddling ahead of the national elections.
19-Year-Old Millionaire Hacker’s Life Looks Like A Good Time [Video]

19-year-old Santiago Lopez is the first person to crack $1 million in rewards on HackerOne, a platform that pays you for ethical hacking.
Handy Google Extension Tells You If Your Password Has Been Hacked

Google has created an extension for its browser specifically for those of us who, for whatever reason, don’t bother to change our passwords.
The Big Cybersecurity Question When It Comes To SA’s Digital Banks

With a number of digital banks looking to inject new life into South Africa’s banking scene, the question of cybersecurity is once again front and centre.
Rumours Of Inside Job As Liberty Ransom Note From Hackers Goes Public

If ever you needed a reminder of how vital it is to ensure your business is hack-proof, the Liberty mess should do the trick. It’s only getting worse.
Hackers Are Trying To Take Liberty “For Millions”

The 60-year-old insurer has more than two-and-a-half million life-insurance policies, so there will be many customers sweating about this weekend’s hack.
Thursday Morning Spice

FBI seizes Russian botnet. North Korea threatens nuclear showdown. Trump cannot block users. Woody defended by other son. Marijuana Tupperware parties. Rugby cocaine scandal. Catcalling fines. Facebook’s revenge porn solution.
Monday Morning Spice

Kaspersky used for spying? Naspers on Multichoice corruption claims. Trump’s Flynn tweet fumble. Tesla heading for Mars. UK reverend prays George is gay. Harry wanted celeb wife. Obama punishes Trump. Rihanna’s street. Who killed Pablo?
The Incredible Story Of A Casino Being Hacked Via Its Fish Tank

As the Internet of Things grows, hackers are finding obscure ways to access your network in order to steal data. This fish tank story is almost unbelievable.
Friday Morning Spice

Wannacry virus hero arrested. Oscar goes to hospital. Secret Service Trump Tower drama. Dubai skyscraper in flames. South Koreans go full YOLO. Famous rapper kills homeless man. Sports team owner made US ambassador to UK. Michael Moore says celeb will beat Trump in 2020.
How ‘The Internet Of Evil Things’ Is Threatening Your Company’s Cybersecurity

If your employees are using various devices within the office, they might be the security threat that you never thought of. Here’s what to do about that situation.
‘Pussy’ And ‘Dragon’ Are Two Of The Top 10 Most Used Passwords – Here Are The Other Eight

No one wants to create hundreds of different passwords to keep themselves safe online, but if you’re rocking one of these then you need a rethink.
Wednesday Morning Spice

SA medicine’s culture Of abuse. Massive cyberattack. White house press briefing gets nasty. Kruger Park’s future in the balance. FIFA World Cup 2018 corruption. Harry Potter’s anniversary. Britney’s pissed off.
The Inside Scoop On How Zomato Was Hacked

Last week Zomato was hacked, and the service has been keeping everyone up-to-date with what exactly happened. Seems it has been a long time coming.
Monday Morning Spice

Cyberattack spreads across world. More dead in CT club war. Startup raises $500m to build Matrix. Trump’s backlash surprise. Wikileaks’ $100k for Comey tapes. Diana’s lover heart attack. Beckham buying island. The Crown loses. N.Korea did it again.
Wonga Has Been Hit By A Major Data Breach – “One Of The Biggest”

When a service provider is hacked for their customers’ information, and you happen to be a customer of theirs, things can get a little scary.
This Is Hands Down The Scariest Cybercrime Story We Have Ever Heard

Cybercrime is damn scary – but if you thought you had heard the worst of it, what with people spying on you through your computer’s camera or your family finding out you are having an affair via a mass data leak, you have no idea.
Someone Just Asked Us To Hack Into UCT’s System And Enroll Them As A Student

The odd wrong number, a silly story someone thinks needs covering, these are part and parcel of the business of running a news platform.