If you thought the end of 2018 was a bumpy ride for POTUS, then buckle up. The Democrats now control Congress, and Donald is getting desperate.
You know that feeling when your boss walks past and you try and act really, really busy? Yeah you do, and so does the White House.
If you still don’t have a handle on the US government shut down, you’ve reached the point of potential embarrassment at the hands of your peers. It’s not necessarily your fault (it’s your fault), we’re all busy people. Get back in the game, and get up to speed, right now.
Statue of Liberty closed. Arsenal restaurant attack. Microsoft investors want Bill Gates gone. CCTV shows White Widow spying on Pretoria embassies. 91 elephants poisoned by poachers. Berlusconi woes..
Time’s Up: US begins shutdown. That Marikana artwork sold for a lot of money. Extremists deny White Widow involvement. José Mourinho walks out of press conference. Lost Three Stooges tape found. Pope wants to rewrite Vatican constitution. ANC concerned about security following Kenya attack.
So the US Government might “shutdown” tomorrow – but what does that mean? Don’t worry, we’re here to educate, keep reading…