Massive Google Changes: Your Website Is About To Rank Much Lower (Or Higher) – This Is How You Test

Everyone who has a website should read this, as today Google changes the way it searches for websites and you could be affected.
Take That Google: Apple Watch Outsells Android’s Yearly Sales In A Single Day

Well, that’s awkward then – Apple Watch’s opening day of pre-orders soared past the sales achieved by the Android watches over an entire year. But it’s not all doom and gloom.
When Is It Enough? Google CFO’s Resignation Letter Goes Viral

I am always confused when I hear stories about wealthy 80-year-olds still working. So when should you take the plunge and spend your money doing what you love? Ask this guy.
Google Just Bought A Web Domain For R300 Million

Google have just laid down some seriously big bucks on an auction for generic top level domain names. Don’t worry, I had to Google that term too.
Are You Ready For Apple’s iCar?

It seems Apple are about to dip their toes into some new territory, and of course Apple fans the world over are salivating from the mouth at the prospect.
Google’s New Robot Dog Will Blow Your Mind [Video]

Not to sound like a doomsayer but when they can make robotic dogs this realistic and intelligent, how long before artificial intelligence takes over the world? Although we’re probably safe down here for a while.
Check Out The World’s Biggest Billboard

Holy s**t! The biggest digital billboard in the world has just been turned on, and it’s frikken awesome. What would you put into the biggest digital outdoor advertising space on earth?
Whoah! Karoo Farmer Finds Huge Crashed Google Balloon [Image]

If you’re not in the know of Project Loon by Google, you’ll enjoy it when you find out. Except that if all the ‘loons’ keep falling out the sky, it won’t actually work.
Google’s Robot Can Balance On One Leg Like The Karate Kid [Video]

Ah, the future is nigh. Hopefully Google will also soon have a robot that can bake lovely souffles and carrot cakes and hand feed me grapes all whilst waving a palm frond.
Awesome Collection Of Google Doodles Through The Years

Google has delivered some seriously awesome doodles throughout the year, and TIME has presented us some of the most memorable.
Here It Comes – Jennifer Lawrence And Cara Delevingne To Sue Google

Being a part of a scandal is never fun, especially when it’s all about nude pictures and videos of yourself. These celebs are taking it the next level of unhappiness.
Huh? Google Just Bought This Spoon Company

Google has broadened its scope and purchased Lift Labs, a company who develop specialised spoons to help eating, for its Google X program.
Some Google Employees LIVE On Campus – In Their Cars [Photos]

You know you are working too hard when you decide to actually live at work (and I don’t mean working from home). This guy thought it the best idea ever, and he didn’t have to sit in traffic for a year.
Before And After – Did Google Street View Kill A Dog?

Images from a Google Street View car in Chile appear to show what looks like a hit-and-run on a dog; but is this really the case?
Google Has A $1.5 Billion Research Centre To ‘Cure Death’

This Google backed company is going to make us live forever!! Or will it? With the aim to “cure death” we can only bet for the moment of attending our 100th high school reunion.
It’s Happening: Google Are Testing Drone Deliveries [Video]

Google has begun testing a small number of drones as it explores a possible delivery service powered by unmanned aerial vehicles.
Guess How Much Cash Apple Has Lying Around?

Apple’s successful years have given the tech company a pretty decent cash reserve, but how big is it really?
Google Maps Displays Naked Man When Users Search For Small English Town [Image]

We do love it when things that are not supposed to be there pop up in unexpected places. It just bring something exciting to the mundanity of everyday life. This cock-up will definitely give you a giggle…
Wow – Check Out ‘Google Glass For Your Windshield’ [Video]

Navdy’s new’s innovation helps keep your eyes on the road while offering a new level of interacting with your apps and in-car services.
Who And Why Are The World’s Most Powerful People Gathering In Sicily?

A bunch of tech and business bosses and celebs are heading to Sicily for an exclusive event, and there’s only once company that could pull that off…
Tuesday Morning Spice

Google’s child porn problem. ANC stalwart’s fake doctorate. Ebola death toll rises. Instagram shifts a gear. Hacker gets into jet’s systems from his seat. Taylor Swift wins the internet.
Robbery Drama Unfolds On Google Street View
Two robbers were apprehended after trying to rob a jewellery store in Serbia, and the whole thing was caught by Google’s Street View car.
Max Mosely Sues Google For These Sex Party Photos
Max Mosley sues Google over original News of the World photos which showed him in sadomasochistic sex party acts.
This Website Shows All The Sites Hidden From Google

A website has been set up to list items Google has removed after the European Court of Justice ruled people could have articles about them deleted from Google.
There Were 63 World Cup Related Google Doodles – Here They All Are [Images]

Google has delivered the World Cup goods in terms of doodles these past two months, and here are some of our favourites,,.
Thursday Morning Spice

High-class escort and Google exec’s heroin death. FIFA suspends Nigeria. Argentina are through. Apple loses Siri patent. Sterling calls wife ‘pig.’ Google Glass brainwave control. Kanye has toilet paper issues. Kim’s game is off the charts. Selena is braless.
Here Is Google’s New Design Language For All Devices [Video]

Google’s reveals its new design direction – Material – which will make your devices’ interface much smoother and cleaner than ever before.
Wednesday Morning Spice

Minibus taxis to get free wi-fi. Comrades runner dies. Blatter asked to step down. New US school shooting. FAA approves commercial drones in US. Google buying hard-core satellite company. Threesome in car ends badly.
Google Glass And Guns – Obviously [Video]

If you think Google Glass doesn’t have enough practical purposes, think again, as a new concept video shows how the device could transform the way law-enforcement agencies and the military operate.
Do You Live In South Africa? Google Is Hiring – From Interns To Department Heads

Do you think you have what it takes to work at Google? Well, Google is looking for South African-based applicants to work in their Joburg office, so here’s your chance to stand out among the crowd.