Friday, March 7, 2025

Are You Ready For Apple’s iCar?

It seems Apple are about to dip their toes into some new territory, and of course Apple fans the world over are salivating from the mouth at the prospect.

Google’s New Robot Dog Will Blow Your Mind [Video]

Not to sound like a doomsayer but when they can make robotic dogs this realistic and intelligent, how long before artificial intelligence takes over the world? Although we’re probably safe down here for a while.

Check Out The World’s Biggest Billboard

Holy s**t! The biggest digital billboard in the world has just been turned on, and it’s frikken awesome. What would you put into the biggest digital outdoor advertising space on earth?

Tuesday Morning Spice

Google’s child porn problem. ANC stalwart’s fake doctorate. Ebola death toll rises. Instagram shifts a gear. Hacker gets into jet’s systems from his seat. Taylor Swift wins the internet.

Thursday Morning Spice

High-class escort and Google exec’s heroin death. FIFA suspends Nigeria. Argentina are through. Apple loses Siri patent. Sterling calls wife ‘pig.’ Google Glass brainwave control. Kanye has toilet paper issues. Kim’s game is off the charts. Selena is braless.

Wednesday Morning Spice

Minibus taxis to get free wi-fi. Comrades runner dies. Blatter asked to step down. New US school shooting. FAA approves commercial drones in US. Google buying hard-core satellite company. Threesome in car ends badly.

Google Glass And Guns – Obviously [Video]

If you think Google Glass doesn’t have enough practical purposes, think again, as a new concept video shows how the device could transform the way law-enforcement agencies and the military operate.