GoodLuck’s Jules And Ben Did Something At Kirstenbosch Concert That Has Never Been Done Before [Video]

The GoodLuck couple are having a baby and decided to spread the positive vibes by revealing the ‘lucky bean’s’ gender with their fans at the iconic Kirstenbosch Concerts on Sunday night.
Gender Reveal Party Ends In Flames As Pilot Crashes In Puff Of Pink Smoke [Video]

A gender reveal party in Sinaloa, Mexico, took a horrific turn this week when a small plane, hired by an expectant couple to fly overhead, nosedived the pilot to an untimely demise.
Just When We Thought Gender Reveals Couldn’t Get Any More Idiotic [Video]

If it’s not smoke bombs in fields sparking massive wildfires, then it’s dye being shoved in natural waterways.
Couple Charged With Manslaughter After Gender Reveal Party Fire

The couple who sparked last year’s deadly cross-country El Dorado wildfire after a botched gender reveal party are being made to pay for their mistake.
It Was Only A Matter Of Time Until A Gender Reveal Party Turned Deadly [Video]

Somehow, gender reveal parties are still a thing, and this one sees two lives lost after a plane flying a banner plunges into the ocean.
Yet Another Massively Dangerous Gender Reveal Party Fail [Video]

Another gender reveal party has ended in disaster, when a couple exploded a device in California.
This Terrible Gender Reveal Stunt Comes To You Via Durban [Video]

Yet another ridiculous gender reveal stunt is doing the rounds, with revving engines and a cheering crowd watching on in Durban.
Gender Reveal Parties Are Officially Out Of Control [Videos]

No longer content to simply cut into a cupcake to reveal their baby’s gender, people are now burning forests down and other insanities.
Yeah, So Gender Reveal Parties Have Officially Gone Too Far [Video]

Some couples like to keep the gender of their baby a surprise, and others enlist the help of an alligator to let everyone know if they’re expecting a boy or a girl.