Fox News experts mention necklacing, “white-on-white violence”, and apartheid in the space of 30 seconds while discussing the Pistorius case. Just enjoy that
A few nights ago on the Bill O’Reilly Show on Fox News, anchor Megyn Kelly claimed that pepper spray was a “food product”, essentially. If an online petition has its way, she may literally be forced to eat her words.
Fox News’ Eric Bolling recently decided that one of the guests on his show was being too mean to George W. Bush. So he spoke up in defense of the weapons of mass destruction eff up. Try spotting the slight error in this statement: “America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don’t remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during that period of time.”
Wow. How something like this even happens, I’m not even sure. But, it is both hilarious, and an epic fail. During a Fox News report on 2012 American presidential candidates, Fox News displayed a picture of Tina Fey playing Palin on an episode of Saturday Night Live instead of showing an actual picture of Sarah Palin. Awkward.
Alright, yes, I know, I’m the liberal media and I’m just getting all uppity at Fox over it’s insane coverage of this silly little ‘Egypt’ thing. But you will understand if I get a little worried when Egypt’s biggest ally’s most popular news source literally fails to find Egypt on the map. Follow the link and check this out..