Meghan Cracks List Of Top Five Fashion Fails Of The Decade

Meghan Markle must be enjoying the fact that she’s no longer the Royal Family’s biggest PR headache, although her fashion faux pas will live on forever.
Gucci Slammed For New ‘Blackface’ Sweater

Gucci committed the ultimate fashion faux pas, when they released a sweater that many have perceived as pretty offensive.
Heidi Klum’s Oscar Dress Was Very Toilet – SHE SHOULD STICK TO WEARING NOTHING

Heidi missed that mark on her Oscars getup – but weirdly, she wasn’t the only one as stylists joined forces to make their experiments fail horribly.
Hillary Clinton’s Fashion FAIL At The G20 [PIC]
This weekend, the G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs held an informal meeting in Mexico. During this time a group photo was taken of everyone wearing tropical, weather-ready white cotton shirts. Everyone except Hillary Clinton, that is. Clearly her memo was lost in the mail as she rocked up in a lime green blouse. Awkward group photo after the jump.