There’s plenty of old money floating around Europe, and if you were born into one of these families then it’s happy days. Here are our top five.
Some days, you can’t help but feel like you might just get lucky – and if you play your cards right, sometimes you’ll find you do.
Bad news for all those travelling to the UK any time soon – the rand is taking a beating and this time it doesn’t look like it’s coming back.
The Rand is getting whipped like a red-headed stepchild, right now. Overnight the Rand tumbled to a four year low against the US dollar. Don’t even look at the Euro exchange rate. It’ll tingle your loins.
European officials have secretly been working on a plan for the worst-case scenario that at this point, seems possible: a Greek exit from the Euro. German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said earlier this week that she didn’t want Greece to leave. But with fresh Greek elections set for mid-June, elections that have already been dubbed as a major showdown between Greece and the rest of Europe, anything could happen.