Wednesday Morning Spice

South Africa’s most exclusive credit cards, Luxury hotels are hopping on the bunk bed bandwagon, Jennifer Lopez files for divorce from Ben Affleck, The best films to watch in September, and The world’s oldest person dies aged 117.
Monday Was The Hottest Day Ever Recorded On Earth, So Far… [Video]

“This is not a milestone we should be celebrating, it’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems.”
Tuesday Morning Spice

Inside Hillsong’s celebrity church, Verified Twitter account spread White House explosion hoax, Americans want Harry to leave, and the Currie Cup is coming to Athlone.
Ocean Temperatures Skyrocketed In March And Scientists Don’t Know Why

Things on Earth are heating up. Just the way the aliens like it.
So How Hot Was 2022? La Niña Brought The Drama But Now We’re Bracing For Drier, Hotter El Niño Chaos

Yeah, we’re talking about the weather and it is actually fascinating.
El Nino Wave Flips Car [Video]

We’re in the midst of some aggressive times weather wise, with this wave in Chile showing some serious muscle.
SA Drought Crisis – Watch This To Get An Idea Of What Is Going On [Video]

Take a look at behind the scenes to see why SA’s bread prices are set to increase because of the onset of the worst drought in SA’s history.
Guys, South Africa Is About To Enter A Catastrophic Water Crisis

Parts of South Africa have now been declared disaster zones as the drought issue prevails and water sources are scarce.