South African e-commerce grew by 66% in 2020, and has more than doubled over the past two years. Edgars appears determined to make the shopping experience as seamless as possible.
It will take years, if not longer, for the full effect of the lockdown on South Africa’s, and the world’s, economic outlook to become clear. Some businesses have already been brought to their knees.
Are you busy living the dream? No? Do you wan’t to start living the dream? Then I suggest you have a read a get yourself a little monthly gift.
We love the good things in life, and being a part of the Edgars family will bring those things closer to you in ways you can’t imagine.
South Africa’s largest bank has announced that it will be taking over Edcon’s unsecured lending portfolio, which is fancy speak for all of its store cards. This is the bank’s largest investment since the takeover by Barclays a few years ago.