ACSA said flights would remain postponed until further notice.
On Wednesday night, many residents in and around East London reported seeing a storm with excessive thunder and lightning.
The Eastern Cape Liquor Board has fined club management after an investigation into a video of patrons at Buccaneers, partying mask-free in a packed venue.
Members of the Rastafarian community have started a lucrative dagga business in the Eastern Cape.
A group of East London teens proved that racism is alive and well among their generation when they harassed a waiter at the Las Vegas Spur.
An East London intersection is in the news after a number of accidents during the past few months. This begs the question – is the fault with the drivers or the planners?
There’s plenty of prime real estate up in the Eastern Cape, and tucked away in Nahoon is this looker. Right on the water’s edge, nogal.
Illegal fishing vessels are being hunted by the South African Navy, but will it be enough to get the boats to leave our shores? Doubtful.
A South African ‘ship of shame,’ is set to leave for a journey at sea this week. These ships have been under fire since Carte Blanche exposed the animal cruelty on these ships.
Oh awesome, this makes total sense. The UK’s Ministry of Defense is planning to install surface-to-air missiles on top of residential flats in east London for the duration of the Olympic Games. The bulk of the missile array is intended for the Lexington Building Water Tower, which has about 700 people living in and around it.
2oceansvibe Exclusive: Amateur footage has emerged, in which a woman, bearing striking resemblance and vocal tone to Eastern Cape Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, is seen inebriated and shouting obscenities in an Eastern Cape bar. The man who filmed the video alleges that the woman in the video, who states “Black people, they like to lie” (0:27) and “You white people like to say the truth, but the truth will never take you to heaven”, (02:41) at two separate points, is indeed Eastern Cape Premier, Noxolo Kiviet. CLICK THROUGH TO VIEW THE VIDEO
Lepel Lê, a private beachfront camping site in East London, is a musem of sorts. It’s a museum, in the sense that it is a fine example of apartheid-era ignorance, racism, and hate, and also in the sense that the people inside the place are highly realistic copies of real human beings with souls. Juanelle Landman, of Cape Town, booked a stay at the private resort in East London for her family, and the friend of her son, who happened to be black. After receiving advice that she should phone ahead to confirm that the resort wasn’t subject to the Group Areas Act of 1956, she was told by an official at the camp that the resort was for whites, only.
“When it snows in East London” is a bit like saying “When hell freezes over”. That is, it never happens (not what you thought I was saying). But this week, the windy city has experienced unusually low temperatures coupled with unbelievable snowfall. Click through for photos of Vincent Park shopping centre in the aftermath of flooding and snow yesterday.