Film Director Peter Jackson Donates $10 Million To Help Bring Back The Dodo

Jackson joins a group of celebrity investors who have now already contributed a total of $235 million to help Dallas-based Colossal Biosciences bring back the extinct creatures.
Friday Morning Spice

How a secret note got Steinhoff’s former finance chief jailed, Eminem Reveals He Will Become a Grandpa, a 31-year French treasure hunt may have a winner, and KLM adds direct flights to Cape Town.
A Billion Dollar Startup Is Attempting To Bring Back The Dodo

May the force be with us if they ever decide to bring dinosaurs back.
Time Travel Merchandise
826LA is an adorable store that probable has a real-world address in area-code 826, LA, but which also has some awesome, dare-I-say quirky goods on display online – ‘from another time.’ Their Dodo Chow, for instance, 1970s coffee cups, or their Viking Odorant. It’s not exactly tinned unicorn meat, but it’s pretty rad!