In China You Can Simulate Your Own Death Now
Experience what it’s like to die and be cremated with China’s new 4D “Death Simulator”.
Insight Into Why Comedians Kill Themselves
Comedian Jim Norton describes the life and tribulations of Robin Williams and how he sees a parallel with many other comedians.
Everything You Need To Know About The Ebola Virus [Infographic]
Researchers and a designer have put together an infographic that gives some insight into the Ebola virus. Check it out here.
Interview With A Man Who Faked His Own Death
Aubrey Lee Price managed to fake his own death to escape his dark past, and while criminal, it proved to be a seriously interesting story upon his arrest.
New Facebook Craze Claims Someone’s Life
If Neknominations weren’t stupid and pointless enough, the latest social media craze requires people to pour cold water over another person, and the senseless game has already claimed its first victim.
The Coroner Has Ruled On Peaches Geldof’s Death – Here Are The Findings
The reason behind the death of Peaches Geldof that many of us suspected, has been confirmed by a coroner following a hearing of findings from various experts and personal testimonies. The ruling?
Here’s Philip Seymour Hoffman Discussing His Last Film [Video]
Late Hollywood actor Philip Seymour Hoffman discusses his final role in A Most Wanted Man prior to his death of a heroin overdose.
Couple Has Close-Call With Rock At Demolition Site [Video]
Most of us never get to feel the rush of a near death experience. This couple just had one, a stray flying rock from a demolition will have you thinking twice before witnessing something like this again…
The Dumbest Ways To Die [Part 2]
Death isn’t a laughing matter. Truly. At least, up until the point that someone decides to bring their show to a close in spectacularly simple fashion.
The Dumbest Ways To Die
Death isn’t a laughing matter. Truly. At least, up until the point that someone decides to bring their show to a close in spectacularly simple fashion.
Philip Seymour Hoffman On Life And Death [Video]
Following his tragic death in February, a recording of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s discussion about life and death has been released by PBS as part of their “Blank on Blank” series
Finally We Find Out What Tupac’s Final Words Were
So even though the Tupac Shakur murder case is still technically open, it is widely accepted that the identity of Tupac’s killers will remain anonymous forever. The same is not true for the final words he spoke, which have just been revealed.
EXPOSED: The Rise Of Illegal, Under-Qualified Doctors At Local Private Hospitals
The dude that is topmost responsible for calling doctors who work for the Department Of Health when private hospitals call in to Mouldmed looking for last-minute staff, is a guy that goes by the name of Joseph Maarman.
Here’s the shocker: he only has a Grade 12, and NO medical background whatsoever.
Soccer Player Dies From Tackle [Video]
Soccer players killing each other on the pitch. Crikey.
This is what happened at an Indonesian Premier League Match
Is This The World’s Luckiest Man?
Luck like this can’t be real, surely?
Horror As Hot Air Balloon Catches Fire – Multiple Deaths As Occupants Jump [Video]
This is one of those situations that make you NEVER want to try something ‘exciting or different’ with your weekend. Most of us associate hot-air ballooning as a relatively safe experience, right? Apparently the only thing that can make this your worst nightmare come true, is if the hot air balloon hits a power line. […]
How Much Is Your Life Worth? This Week – Seth Rotherham
It’s not every day you check out how much your life is ACTUALLY worth. We asked a few likeable locals to run their details through the machine and see what they get.
Here’s The Peaches Geldof Autopsy Report
Countless of friends, family members and celebrities have been paying tributes to the sudden death of model Peaches Geldof. The 25-year-old daughter of Irish musician and Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof, was found dead in her home in London on Monday.
Kiev Protests Are Getting Gnarly – Hectic Video Captures People On Fire In Police Clash
With each passing day, what started as a simple protest in Kiev is swiftly morphing into a full-blown revolution. Anti-government protestors, initially protesting against widespread corruption, are now angered by a trade deal that tilted Ukraine back toward Russia and away from further integration with the European Union
DNA Tests Solve The Final Mystery Of The Titanic
When it sank to the bottom of the ocean, the Titanic took many secrets along with it. But one secret, now labelled as ‘the Titanic’s last mystery’ has just been cracked.
The Life Expectancy For Every Country In The World [INFOGRAPHIC]
Death awaits us all. But if you live in Monaco – it might wait a little longer. This new infographic projects the life expectancy of those born in 2013.
Radvertising: This Driving Ad From New Zealand Will Make You Squirm [VIDEO]
It’s been a hectic holiday season in terms of road deaths, with well over 850 people perishing on our roads in December alone.
The 2014 Cape 2 Rio Claims Its First Victim
A sailor aboard a yacht competing in the 2014 Cape 2 Rio race has died from injuries sustained during a storm, 16 hours after the race commenced on calm waters from Table Bay on the weekend.
You Won’t Believe What Happened To That Guy Who Said The World Would End
Doomsday evangelist Harold Camping passed away in his California home on 15 December – without seeing the world ascend to heaven. He passed away at the age of 92 from a fall. You might remember that Harold Camping is the man who swept everyone into a frenzy by predicting the world would end on 21 May 2011.
“With Mandela Gone, The ANC No Longer Has A Noble Cause”
Eish. We kinda knew that stuff like this was on its way. An article, entitled “Mandela’s Death Highlights How Messed Up South Africa Is Now” was recently published on Business Insider.
Obama, Bush, Clinton Families And More – Here Is The Guest List And Details For Madiba’s Memorial Service
The memorial service of one of the world’s most-loved politicians will be taking place on Tuesday at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, and scores of politicians from across the planet are expected to arrive in this week in order to pay their respects.
Top 10 Most Inspiring Nelson Mandela Quotes
The legacy of Nelson Mandela all too easily overshadows the reality of the person he was. At the end of the day, he was a simple man who saw the wrong in the world, and committed himself to undoing it by any means.
Watch Obama’s Tribute To Nelson Mandela [VIDEO]
The world lost one of its greatest sons last night at 8:50 PM. Since then, news stations, politicians and celebrities have been pouring out tributes for South Africa’s former president.
Here Is Jacob Zuma’s Nelson Mandela Announcement [VIDEO]
This is a truly sad day for us all. Some may have woken to the news of Mandela’s passing, while others may have struggled to sleep after hearing the news last night. Either way, we have all been affected. We are all involved. We all feel this loss.
CCTV Footage Captures Moment Paul Walker’s Car Smashes Into Trees [VIDEO]
We were all saddened to hear about Paul Walker’s death on the weekend. He was a passenger in his friend’s car when it smashed into a row of trees, and was soon engulfed by flames.