Lancet Study Reveals How Many South Africans Died During The Height Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

A new Lancet study noted that generally, the average life expectancy of people across the world dropped by 1.6 years in the first two years of the pandemic.
NBA Analyst Reveals How Players Coped With A Lack Of Sex And Skyrocketing Testosterone During 2020 Bubble

Let’s just say there was really only one kind of slam dunk possible in the NBA bubble.
Jets, Jabs, And Crowdless Streets: How The Super-Rich Do COVID-19

The mega-wealthy have, for all intents and purposes, been having a smashing time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘Seven In 10 People Have Not Fully Recovered From COVID-19, Five Months After Leaving Hospital’

More and more people are banding together on social media to bring awareness to the fact that COVID-19 symptoms are causing suffering long after patients are supposed to have recovered.