Keen To Top Up Your Vitality Points? Bookmark These Dates

The saying goes that the best things in life are free, which may explain why, to some people, Discovery Vitality points are so addictive.
This ‘How Much Money You Should Have Saved By 40’ Guide Is Hectic

Sometimes it’s tough not to read those ‘how much money you should have saved by 40’ stories and wince.
How The Rising Age Of Retirement Could Impact Your ‘Golden Years’

Life expectancy is on the rise, and with it, the age of retirement. The issue that arises is that not everyone can work, healthily, past their 60s.
Three Simple Truths When Investing In Your Child’s Future

As any parent will tell you, children are expensive. The sooner you start planning, and teaching responsible money habits, the better.
Expert Advice On Saving Money During Lockdown [Video]

Many South Africans need to start changing their relationship with money, if we’re going to make it out of this pandemic financially sound.
Simple Tips For Getting Your Finances In Order During Lockdown

The national lockdown is putting a huge financial strain on many South Africans. Now may be the time to take a closer look at your financial affairs.
Pandemic Stressing You Out? Do These Four Things To Train Yourself To Stop Worrying

Constant worrying and negative thinking can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. It’s time to get a handle on it.
Important Investment Advice Before SA’s Tax Year Ends

February 29 is the final day of the South African tax year, and thus the final chance for South Africans to take advantage of these investment opportunities.
Are SA Businesses Really Doing All They Can For Their Employees?

Employees are always happy to have their salaries land in the account around payday, but should we be expecting more from the companies we work for?
‘I’m Too Young’ And Other Investment Myths Busted

The world of investing is overrun with myths and commonplace assumptions, that in reality should have no bearing on your financial planning.
Four Of The Biggest Threats To Your Retirement Plan

Even if you’re doing everything right to save for retirement, these four things could seriously mess with your future and your funds.
South Africa’s In The Midst Of A Retirement Savings Crisis

According to a recent report, even if you think you’re on track to a decent retirement in your golden years, you could still be blindsided.
A Few Investment Myths That Are Easily Busted

When it comes to a sound investment plan, some strategies tend to yield consistently better results than others.
Some Damning Stats On How Bad We Are At Planning For Retirement

A new report has revealed that people are outliving their retirement savings by eight to up to 20 years.
Proof Of Why Starting Your Savings As Early As Possible Is So Important

Everybody tells you that starting your retirement savings as early as possible is crucial. Weigh up the numbers, and the penny really drops.
A Quick Look At The Basics Of Tax-Free Offshore Investing

Portfolio diversification is key to growing your personal wealth, and offshore investment is a great way to do that. Here are some of the basic principles.
Millennials, Baby Boomers, Gen X And More – How Different Generations Invest

Every generation has a certain investing personality, from the Silent Generation through to Millennials, that affect the way in which they plan for the future.
It Would Take The Richest South African 13 Minutes To Earn Your Annual Salary

People slog hard at the daily grind to get their well-earned paychecks. For these South African billionaires, it’s all in an hour’s work.
How Much Money Do South Africans Need To Retire?

Everyone wants to hang up their boots with a little nest egg tucked away, but how much is enough? Given medical advancements, you might want to get cracking.
Some Nasty School Fees Stats You Might Want To Consider

Well done on making another human, parents – now get ready to pay for that privilege. Some of these school fees projections are pretty terrifying.
Three Of The Biggest Mistakes South Africans Are Making With Their Money

Ever think to yourself that it’s time to start managing your finances better? Experts listed three of the most common mistakes, so let’s see if you’re guilty.
Steinhoff Scandal Takes Down Its First Hedge Fund

After Steinhoff’s shares came crashing down in December, it was only a matter of time before more dominoes tumbled.
A Few Staggering Stats About Eskom And Your Pension Fund

You’ve seen Eskom’s in the kak once again, but some of the numbers being thrown around are out of this world. They could have serious ramifications for all of us.
Forbes’ Six Simple Steps To Sorting Out Your Financial Future

2018 just might be the year to organise your finances once and for all, so here are the experts with a few simple steps to get you moving in the right direction.
Even The Smallest Error In Your Will Can Create A World Of Problems

Upon your death, there’s a whole lot of admin to be sorted out. If you don’t get your will right, you might leave behind a real mess.
Nobody Is Going To Tashas Anymore

As South Africa’s economic climate gets a little cloudy, establishments that attract the upper-middle class are losing business. Yup, there’s no queue outside tashas anymore.
TIME’s Five Simple Steps To Take In Your 20s And 30s If You Want To Retire Rich

Sometimes looking to the future can be a seriously daunting task, especially when it comes to money. Fear not – follow these simple steps and live the holiday.
Why The JSE Has Been The World’s Best Performing Exchange Since 1900

South Africa’s JSE has outperformed the rest of the world for the past 117 years, and the reason for this means there’s plenty more room for other players. Like you.
The Simple Mistakes Costing South Africans Millions When They Retire

Everyone wants a decent nest egg when they decide to live the good life, but it’s amazing how a little error here and there can end up costing you millions.
South Africans Who Invest In Classic Cars Are Making An Absolute Fortune

Classic cars in South Africa are making their mark as a lucrative investment strategy, but just which ones could make you millions? Here we go.