The screws are being tightened, the City of Cape Town just approving level 2 water restrictions. Here’s what we’re in store for.
But until the end of November, some people can get their poor phones back at a discount.
People of Clifton, time to ready your gold-tipped pitchforks and get ready to fight – the City of Cape Town has approved developmental plans that have residents furious,
The City of Cape Town’s latest campaign, aimed at educating young people about the process of battling substance abuse problems, has proved highly successful. Here’s how they did it.
We know that drug use is prevalent around the city of Cape Town, but a fantastic new campaign seeks to change the way we view the recovery process. Here’s your chance to get behind something brilliant.
Driving the roads in South Africa is like a life threatening challenge. You have to manoeuvre passed taxis, the odd farm animal if you’re in a rural area, and now massive potholes that eat entire cars.
On Tuesday the City of Cape Town said an urgent interdict application to put the Winelands toll project on hold will be heard next month in the Western Cape High Court. Brett Herron, the City of Cape Towns mayoral committee member for roads and transport said: The interdict application will be heard in the Western […]
The Monarch Tuksi Company’s has been taken off the road by the City of Cape Town. Brothers, James and Daniel Clarence are the founders of the Monarch Tuksi Company, with its fleet of 20 tuk-tuks. The Monarch Tuksi Company provides a one of a kind “private chauffeur co-operative and media business.” The arrival of the […]
Should skateboards be allowed on Cape Town roads? Do skateboards and bicycles deserve the same amount of respect on the roads? Did Dec’io set off the speed trap, or was it the car right behind him? The answers to all these questions, and more, inside
The Cape Minstrel Carnival is Cape Town’s longest-running street party/parade, and is led by the Kaapse Klopse (Cape minstrels) every year on the second of January.
As part of a highly successful campaign that launched in Cape Town’s City Bowl in July last year, Gugulethu has begun its own interactive, public campaign to unearth creative and significant new street and neighbourhood names for itself.
We’ve by now all grown used to the shiny blue MyCiti busus, the glass stations, and the special strips of red tarmac especially reserved for them. The service, which has been running now for almost two years, was reported this morning to be running at a loss.
Here’s some great news for the swimmers amongst you. The City of Cape Town is about to launch a first-of-its-kind initiative to clean up the water running into three popular bathing areas. The project aims to improve the quality of storm water at two outlet sites in Three Anchor Bay and another at Rocklands, between Sea Point and Mouille Point.