Cape Town Guy Wins GoPro Million Dollar Challenge [Videos]

Local vlogger Chris Rogers has made some cracking videos showcasing Cape Town’s beauty. This time, though, he’s gone international.
GoPro Adventurer Takes To Cape Town Shipwreck And Creates Giant Rope Swing [Video]

Local GoPro adventurer Chris Rogers took to the BOS 400 shipwreck, where he and his friends attached a rope and swung into the cold Atlantic ocean.
Sick GoPro Video Shows What It Looks Like To BMX Cape Town’s Most Iconic Spots

I’ve never been much good on two wheels, but thankfully two Capetonians teamed up to show us what it’s like to BMX through some of the city’s most iconic spots.
This Capetonian’s GoPro Video May Be The Best Thing You See All Day [Video]

If you’re in the mood for a little wanderlust best you check this video out, a local lad teaming up with GoPro to deliver the goods.