Start ‘Em Young – Enjoy This Local 6-Year-Old Stealing Cellphones [Video]

You can learn many valuable life lessons from your parents, although this six-year-old might be best advised to ignore what her mother has to say.
Disgusting: Cellphone Film Shows Local Girl Being Bullied At School [Video]

Remember that time you saw the old school bully flipping burgers at McDonald’s and you did about ten inside fist pumps? Well there’s no such happy ending here.
Too Far – Kid Learns Stranger Danger Lesson The Hard Way

It is not wrong to want to teach your kids valuable life lessons that will stand them in good stead. It is wrong to resort to criminal means to do so. Enter this family from Missouri.
Meanwhile, In Gauteng: School Has Human ‘Dog Fighting’ Problem Where Winner Can ‘Mate With A Younger Child’

So this has happened in Springs and it really doesn’t make for pretty reading. If you thought poor matric results were our biggest education worries you were wrong.
Tuesday Morning Spice

Guess whose lawyer Cliff Richard just hired? Elephant poaching at tipping point. SA minister’s daughter beats kid with belt. Nadal missing US Open. Most expensive comic ever? Timberlake in racist Twitter outrage.
This Is What Happens When A Dad Stumbles Upon Someone Molesting His Kid

Childhood sexual abuse is something that too many children face and carry with them, silently, their whole lives. Many parents either do not know or do nothing when they suspect abuse, but this dad is definitely NOT one of these parents. This guy is lucky to be alive…
Local Businessman Kept Family Hostage, Tortured, Sexually Abused, For Over A Decade

This is terrifying, and it happened right under our noses.
Truck Swerves For 16-Month-Old Child Strolling On The N1

This is mental. A 16-month-old child was almost hit by a truck on Thursday in Gauteng. Traffic police say that the child was walking along the N1 near the Grasmere offramp, with no parent or caretaker in sight.
Are You Allowed To Like Woody Allen?

Woody Allen’s wit and nuances, coupled with his unprecedented work load, churning out one movie every year, most of them award winning, makes it hard not to like the short, spectacled filmmaker. But a dark cloud has resurfaced around Woody Allen’s past recently, due to an article published by Vanity Fair.
Tiny Child Clings To Back Of Joburg Biker [VIDEO]

With a level of brainlessness usually reserved for dashcam footage from remote corners of Europe (we mean Russia), a Gauteng biker has been filmed leaving a sports bar on a super bike. Oh yes, there was a small child clinging on to the rider’s waist, with no child safety support equipment of any kind. But […]
Radvertising: This Anti-Abuse Ad Is Only Visible To Children [VIDEO]

Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk, or The ANAR Foundation has found a way to get their anti-abuse message to children, without their potentially-abusive guardian being able to disarm the message.
High-Level Shell Executive Sentenced For Printing Child Porn At Work

One of Shell’s senior executives in the UK has been sentenced for deciding to be smart enough to print out his child porn collection at work. Anthony Sturman, who works at the London office of the oil giant, has now been given eight months and made to sign the sex offender’s register.
Prominent US Priest Claims Teens Are The Seducers In Abuse Cases

The Catholic Church has earned itself a rather nasty reputation in the department of child abuse, and has been struggling to shake it ever since. Not helping this effort is a statement made by a highly prominent member of the United States clergy, Father Benedict Groeschel, host of the Christian TV Show, Sunday Night Prime.
Shoplifting Boys Forced To Slap Each Other
Four young boys were forced to slap each other as part of their punishment after they were caught stealing chocolates at a Shoprite in Limpopo. Security footage of the incident shows how the boys took turns in slapping each other, while staff watched, laughed and passed “silly” comments.
Pre-school Teacher Sprays Asian Kids With Air Freshener Because They Smell Like Curry And Onions
What is even more shocking is the fact that this teacher has more than 20 years worth of experience. And if you are wondering why the headline reads “curry” and “Asian kids” instead of “rice” and “Asian kids”, remember Pakistan and Bangladesh is also in Asia.