Remember The US Capitol Rioter With The Horns? Here’s His Sentence

Jacob Chansley is perhaps best known as the QAnon shaman and was catapulted to worldwide fame after he wore a horned helmet and a fur pelt during the storming of the Capitol on January 6.
Here’s The Hectic Capitol Siege Video They Played At Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Yesterday, former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial began, and proceedings kicked off with a video detailing the violence and anarchy that took place on January 6.
That ‘QAnon Shaman’ Has Had A Real Change Of Heart

Jacob Chansley, perhaps best known as the QAnon Shaman, is preparing to throw Trump under the bus and sing for his supper.
“I Had A Dream”: MAGA South African ‘Evangelist’ Goes Viral In Washington DC [Videos]

A Trump-supporting South African ‘evangelist’ has popped up in a number of interviews from Washington DC, and she’s not holding back.
There Was A Very Angry South African At The Storming Of The Capitol [Video]

During the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, one media outlet featured a man with a distinctly South African twang to his accent going off on an unhinged rant.
Bit Late In The Day – Here’s Trump Denouncing Violence, Again [Video]

You don’t get to spend months attempting to undermine the results of a democratic election, and calling for your supporters to storm the Capitol, and then back away when an insurrection takes place.
‘Daily Show’ Correspondent’s Reporting From The Capital Riots Is Quite Something [Videos]

Riot, coup, insurrection – call it what you will, but the events of January 6, 2021, will live long in infamy. Here’s what Jordan Klepper saw on the day.
No Messing Around From Arnold Schwarzenegger In Latest Video

Yes, that is Arnie holding the sword he carried in the 1982 movie ‘Conan the Barbarian’, and he’s not going to mince his words.