In the coming weeks, we will be testing and scoring gummies, teas, lollipops, and every other conceivable way that marijuana can be ingested. Including a monster joint named El Jefe.
I was going to write about my Monday, which saw roughly 12 humans coming at me between 8AM and 8:10AM, resulting in me pushing reset on the week. How does one push reset, you ask?
I’ve always been a bit of a ‘pinner man’, myself. You know, those very thin two-hitter joints – that’s my vibe, but I’m not afraid to learn and try new things.
You stopped drinking cheap wine years back, and the same should be true for the cannabis you toke, which is why it’s important to be able to tell good weed from bad weed.
As one of the first members of the all-new, all legal, Cape Cannabis Club, I was excited to observe and experience the entire process, from signup to consumption.