This tourist is terribly lucky to be alive after his bungee cord snapped during the terrifying 10-storey jump.
You know what tends to ruin the peace and quiet that comes with renting a penthouse apartment in the Waterfront? A spot of bungee-jumping.
Tragedy has struck after a young woman was killed in a bungee jumping accident in Spain. Whilst circumstances remain unclear investigators have begun to piece the accident together.
Ever wondered how many times a bungee cord can be used before it snaps? The answer, as an Australian tourist recently found out, turns out to be about 50 000 times. Miraculously she survived her 111-meter nosedive into the Zambezi River – video after the jump.
I remember when we were kids my parents used to take us horse back riding and one time I fell and broke my arm. Another time a filly bit my sister’s shoulder. She was never the same after that. I’m so glad my parents found that horse farm outside Kimberley and never had YouTube and never saw what they do with their kids in Russia.