Prince Andrew Puckers As Judge Orders Release Of Unedited Jeffrey Epstein Transcripts

Many of the individuals in the case had been described anonymously as “John Does” or “Jane Does”, but now most of their real names have been released.
Epstein Victim Claims Sex Tapes Of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, And Richard Branson Do Exist [Video]

Jeffrey Epstein victim Sarah Ransome said it is “no secret” that the alleged tapes were made.
25 Years Later – Monica Lewinsky Shares What She’s Learned

Bill Clinton’s Worst Nightmare looks back at 25 years.
Former Cape Town Model On Dinner With Epstein, Clinton, And Kevin Spacey

Juliette Bryant, a 20-year-old aspiring model when first introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, has spoken about the horrors of the time she spent with the paedophile.
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton: Comparing Presidential Approval Ratings

Presidents are often assessed after their first 100 days in office, but we’re jumping the gun a little here, as it’s only been 85 days since Biden took over.
That Time Bill Clinton Had An ‘Intimate Dinner’ With Ghislaine Maxwell

Despite the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell was known to have worked closely with Jeffrey Epstein, she still cracked the nod to a 2014 dinner in Los Angeles.
Clinton, Trump, And Prince Andrew – More Sordid Details From New Epstein Book

Lawyer Brad Edwards’ new book, ‘Relentless Pursuit’, is causing quite a stir, and some familiar names feature.
Bill Clinton Explains Why He Cheated With Monica Lewinsky While President

Between 1995 and 1997, Bill Clinton had sexual relations with his young intern, Monica Lewinsky. He’s now opening up about why.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Bizarre Painting Of Bill Clinton In A Dress And Heels

When law enforcement searched the New York home of Jeffrey Epstein, they were greeted by a rather strange painting of Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton And Donald Trump Won’t Like This Cartoon About Their Relationships With Jeffrey Epstein [Video]

As details of Jeffrey Epstein’s disgusting crimes continue to emerge, two of his former pals are doing their best to distance themselves. These guys aren’t buying it.
The Moment Trump Greeted Obama (And Blanked Clintons) At Bush Funeral [Videos]

Everybody knows that Donald and the Clintons aren’t exactly tight friends, and the same can be said of the president’s relationship with the Obamas.
It’s Not Often Hillary Discusses Bill’s Affair With Monica Lewinsky [Video]

During her presidential campaign, Hillary often fielded questions relating to Bill’s infidelity. Looks like she is pretty tired of them.
Let’s Check In With Monica Lewinsky 20 Years Later

It’s been 20 years since Bill Clinton admitted to sexual relations with his then intern, and it hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for Monica since then.
Great Timing – Please Enjoy Bill Clinton’s Alleged Black Love Child [Video]

There’s no doubting that Bill Clinton has a skeleton or two hiding in his closet, but does he have a 30-year-old lovechild from Arkansas? You decide.
Bill Takes Forever To Get Onto Air Force One – Impatient Obama Tells Him To Hurry Up [Video]

It must be nice to fly around in your own jet with your pals on board, but sometimes you’re forced to wait around until they finish chatting.
Colin Powell Reckons Bill Clinton Is “Still Dicking Bimbos”

America’s former secretary of state has kept a pretty low profile during these elections, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have pretty strong opinions.
Bill Clinton Had So Much Fun With The Balloons Last Night [Video]

Hillary took the stage last night in Philly, and was joined by her fellow supporters as well as thousands and thousands of balloons. Over to you Bill.
Sweet – Bill Clinton Uses Convention Speech To Explain How He Started Dating Hillary [Video]

Bill Clinton seems mighty proud that his wife is first female nominee of a major U.S. political party, and that made him all kinds of soppy.
Classic 12-Year-Old Video Surfaces Of Bill Clinton Discussing One Day Becoming America’s ‘First Husband’ [Video]

Back in 2004, Bill Clinton was on Oprah chatting about Hillary Clinton’s run for president. Here’s what he had to say.
Donald Trump’s New Instagram Ad Nailing Bill Clinton For Rape Is NEXT LEVEL [Video]

Ready, aim, fire – the Trumpster ain’t one to mince his words, and this time around he’s even used a video to drive home the point.
Donald Trump Accuses Bill Clinton Of Rape

Donald Trump yesterday launched what some are calling the most aggressive attack on a candidate’s spouse in US political history.
REVEALED: Transcripts Of Phone Calls Between Bill Clinton And Tony Blair Following Diana’s Death

As the world reeled from the sudden death of Princess Diana two world leaders shared a phone call, the details of which have now emerged.
The Clintons Are Ducking And Diving From Sex Scandal Questions During Hillary’s Presidential Campaign [Video]

If there’s one place you can’t leave your past behind it’s politics, something the Clintons are learning with regularity these past few weeks.
Leaked Hillary Email Reveals Thoughts On Bank Robber Who Used Hillary Mask

The email saga that has dogged Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency just won’t go away. The latest batch made public shows she can still have a good laugh.
Watching Hillary And Bill Clinton Dance Is Painful [Video]

Some people are just born with the ability to break it down and shake it like a Polaroid picture. The Clintons are not amongst those lucky few, something obvious from this video.
Friendly Banter Between Barack Obama And Bill Clinton On Twitter

Twitter, meet Barack Obama who finally has his own personal account. Cue banter between two men we know enjoy a good laugh.
You Know About The Rumours That The Clintons Are Involved In A Lot Of Deaths, Right?

We all know families have the hidden secrets, but when a whole country of millions watches your every move for decades the rumours tend to start and secrets come out…
Here’s Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Video And Controversial Logo

Hillary Clinton announced yesterday that she has put her name forward for the 2016 US presidency. See the her video and the logo-haters here.
Artist Hid Monica Lewinsky Reference In Clinton’s National Gallery Portrait

When you tell one of the world’s most famous lies you can’t exactly just shake it off Taylor Swift style. The Clintons are apparently less than happy with a certain portrait of Old Bill.
Tuesday Morning Spice

2015’s richest man in the world. Jihadi John tried to get to SA. Coffee good for arteries. Twitter blocks ISIS accounts. SA sailing crew missing. Boko Haram behadings on video. World’s most expensive cities.