Described as possibly the most valuable historical document ever on auction, the book dates back a thousand years, to around the 9th or 10th century.
If you’ve ever watched ‘Storage Hunters’, you’ll know that snapping up someone’s junk comes with risk attached. Sometimes, though, you come out smiling.
The art world gets expensive very quickly. Take this painting for example: it sold for R3.5b. Too bad SA isn’t an oil rich emirate and would rather build more Nkandlas.
Nymphomania, for those of you who do not know, does not specifically refer to the insane and uncontrollable desire for sex. It’s quite gender-specific actually. In the late 19th century, Nymphomania was a mental-illness diagnosed to woman who had what would by todays standards just be a regular sexual appetite. So what would happen is […]