Gareth Cliff Arrested [Audio Interview]
Radio presenter Gareth Cliff was arrested last night after caught driving at 182km/h. He did not spend the night in jail, and is scheduled to appear in court today. Cliff had an interview on his own radio show this morning – hear it after the jump!
More SA Drug Mules Caught Overseas
Following hot on the heels of South African tourist Nobanda Nolubabalo’s dreadlock cocaine bust in Thailand, reports today reveal that at least three other SA citizens have been busted for drug trafficking in the last week. So if you’re travelling internationally this holiday, don’t drop dead with surprise if you’re searched at customs, particularly if you’re a young female.
Two Rhino Poaching Suspects Arrested
If you’ve been following the development of the rhino poaching issue in South Africa recently, you will be pleased to know that two Thai nationals, suspected to be central to an international rhino poaching syndicate, were arrested at OR Tambo International this morning.
Man Sidesteps Criminal Charges For 15 Years By Using Father’s ID
Here’s a plan to avoid prosecution – just use your dad’s ID every time the cops come looking for you. It almost worked for Siphiwe Tembe, from Soweto, who was finally arrested yesterday in connection with a murder which dates back to 1996.