Saturday, March 15, 2025

Argus Cycle Tour Bans Borat Outfit

Remember this guy, Evan Price? Price completed the 2011 Cape Argus cycle race in nought but a lime green mankini, made famous by Sacha Baron-Cohen in Borat. For the 2012 edition, Price and his mates took it up a gear, with a veritable army of mankinis storming the lower order bunches of the Argus. Just enjoy […]

Noseweek Claims Argus / Auction Alliance Had Secret Deal

Wow, I don’t know if you have the latest issue of Noseweek handy, but there is a very spicy story inside. They (Noseweek) are claiming that Independent Newspapers hid a story from publication, because Auction Alliance had power over them, due to a kickback they (Argus – Independent Newspapers) had received. Here is an excerpt: […]

World Naked Bike Ride Hit Cape Town Over Weekend [PICS]

While the rest of Cape Town took part in yesterday’s Argus, a group of hipsters understandably felt that this event was way too commercial. So 100 of them shed their clothes instead, and cycled naked around the Prestwich Memorial. They raising awareness of the fact that the city has one of the highest carbon emissions per capita ratings in the world. Pictures taken of all the…action…after the jump.

Official Argus Cycle Tour Song Gets Pulled [Listen Here]

If you didn’t manage to get a load of the 2012 Argus Cycle Tour Campaign Song, which was branded by an apparent majority as both “revolting” and “embarrassing,” it’s too late I’m afraid – they’ve pulled it. This may well be the first instance in South African sporting history that an official song has been […]

The Official Argus 2012 Song Is Stunning

This is the official song for the 2012 Argus. Here’s a little info on the artist, Albert de Wet. Albert de Wet was introduced to the music industry in 2007, with the release of his debut Afrikaans album, Dagboek van ‘n Dromer.  Ironically though, it was his English track, Within Walls, that put him on […]

Protesting: The Devil Is In The Detail

When you’re protesting for better working conditions, or any working conditions at all, really, it’s important to be specific in your demands. Well done to this gentleman, who appeared in this photograph on the front page of 13 April’s Argus. Be sure to read that sign he is holding.. The photograph related to a story […]