The Beagle Freedom Project rescues dogs that are bred and used for lab testing. These dogs are born in laboratories and live in cages their whole lives. The project recently rescued 40 dogs, between ages four and seven, who have never seen outside sunlight.
Bukelwa Mbulawa, a cleaner at Luhlaza Secondary School in Khayelitsha, is an animal rights hero. On realising a stray dog was being buried alive by two colleagues on the school field, Bukelwa called animal welfare organisation International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to alert them to what was going down. The dog was saved and later called Warrior. IFAW says she’s a hero. But Bukelwa has now been fired.
A red-tailed hawk from the San Francisco Botanical Gardens miraculously survived after being shot on purpose by someone with a nail gun. For almost a week after incurring the injury, the nail extended from its cheek through the front of its head. He was rescued over the weekend and is currently being cared for at the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley in San Jose.
About 1000 Thai dogs – destined to be cooked and eaten in Vietnam – escaped a gruesome fate when they were rescued by police before the weekend. As you’ll see from the video, they were stuffed into tiny cages, stacked high in scores of crates. Even though the story has a happy ending, please be warned that the visuals are very disturbing.
A stray collie named Star has managed to survive despite being bound and shot in the head 40 times before being buried alive. She managed to wriggle her way to the surface of the shallow grave she’d been left in to die. It is near impossible not to judge the kind of “people” responsible for this, but at least the story has a good ending.
The Russian donkey that won worldwide sympathy last July after being forced to parasail has died of a heart attack. The donkey, named Anapka, made headlines when she was attached to a parachute at a Russian beach and launched into the sky for an outrageous promotional stunt. I guess that’s where we’re different, in Russia they use donkeys, and over here we use Trevor Noah.
There’s literally no excuse for getting drunk and taking pictures of your team-mate’s Labrador performing a sex act on you, as Canberra Raiders winger, Joel Monaghan did. I’ve tried and I can’t think of a single scenario where that would be an appropriate course of action.