Reflecting on the moment, Musa said he was a true believer, and an example, of breaking the word “impossible” into two. “I’m possible.”
For the first time scientists were able to restore real-time sensory feeling in an amputee wearing a robotic hand. Bionic hands my not be at the skull-crushing level where would like them to be, but being able to feel our victim may be a step in the right direction.
The lives of those with prosthetic limbs may have the chance to improve rapidly with the introduction of thought-controlled robotic arms. These prosthetics and their electrodes will connect directly to the bones and nerves of amputees.
Crossing the perilous Bering Strait under your own power is no mean feat – icy waters, massive swells and powerful ocean currents – yet Frenchman Philippe Croizon managed to do it in under two hours. Without arms or legs.