He might be worth a few billion but that doesn’t mean Donald Trump wears fancy pants hats. No, he wears a simple white one and the internet does the rest.
If you’re a fan of racially insensitive board games we have a treat for you. Now you can spend a day in the shoes of the Donald and take an inside peek at how his mind works.
President Barack Obama has been in pretty good spirits since nailing that sensitive deal with Iran. Here he shares a few laughs with The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart.
I wonder if Donald Trump wakes up in the morning, takes a look at himself in the mirror and asks just what he can do to ensure he comes across as an even bigger dick. He then does this.
Ever since the turn of the year Budweiser has focused much of its advertising on ridiculing craft beer and those who love it. Is this prolonged attack misguided?
Despite his continuous efforts to offend and polarise the voters of America it seems the Donald is still sitting rather pretty. The tide might just be turning after one major blunder though.
It’s amazing how deep some people can dig in order to avoid being locked up. Take for example FIFA’s Jeffrey Webb who pulled a few rabbits out of the hat with this one.
What do you do when you’re playing celebrity golf and your game is tanking? Well, you bust out one of the 90’s most spectacular dance moves of course!
A robot in the U.S. isn’t letting its immobility get in the way of a good time and has begun the process of hitchhiking the whole way across America.
It appears that Graeme Joffe was not very popular with some powerful members of government after he claims he was forced to flee to the U.S. after fearing for his life.
As more information comes to light regarding yesterday’s mass shooting in Tennessee the history of shooter Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez is being closely examined.
If you thought 50 Cent was all brawn and no brain, think again – this guy is seriously smart, as demonstrated by this delightful video
Today’s weather is made for TV. If you’ve hit ‘content rock bottom’ and need something new to get your teeth into, have a gander at the shows on this year’s Emmy nominations list
Another women has given her account of the crimes she suffered at the hands of Bill Cosby. She has also claimed he had a fondness for a particular royal family member.
We’ve called him the gift that keeps on giving and this ride isn’t slowing down any time soon. This time Trump has been hauled over the coals for an ill-advised tweet.
During a press conference at the White House yesterday President Barack Obama was finally asked a question relating to the ongoing Bill Cosby saga. Choose your words wisely big man.
After his heroic efforts at Wimbledon the issue of Kevin Anderson’s participation in growing the game locally has once again come under the spotlight.
When your plane is plummeting towards the earth you can’t be too picky about where to land. I imagine a busy highway wouldn’t be your first choice though.
When a man said to have been worth around $155 million earlier this year files for bankruptcy people will take notice. When his name itself involves money they will take the piss.
As some of the world’s superpowers sign a historic nuclear accord with Iran, it’s worth getting up to speed with what the deal entails. Here’s what you need to know.
The thing about upsetting an entire nation is that some citizens will take your barbs to heart more than others. It appears the Donald has upset some rather big hitters in Mexico.
Not content with mouthing off on the ground Donald has taken his political ramblings to new heights. Here he is mouthing off on his personal jet.
Former late-night TV host and popular funny man David Letterman took a break from taking a break and joined some friends on stage recently. Then he unleashed on Trump and it’s gold.
Last night saw the crowning of a new Miss USA 2015 and we can’t really argue with the judges’ decision on this one. We might be seeing more of this lovely lady in the near future.
It’s now approaching 40 years since iconic New York club Studio 54 opened its doors. That time has only served to heighten the myth and legend surrounding the night’s festivities.
The thing about Donald Trump is that sometimes he is so Donald Trump you have to think he is taking the piss out of Donald Trump. Some of his finest work here.
The latest in an ever-increasing line of people to take pot shots at Donald Trump are the creators of The Simpsons, who have outdone themselves with this gem.
We know Donald Trump is something of an outspoken guy but when he became involved in a Twitter war with someone who is paid to be funny the result was inevitable.
Whilst South African university students seem to have come to their senses across the pond in the U.S. one celebrity has done rather poorly. The apologies start now.
When you’ve essentially called those from your neighbouring country rapists and drug dealers you might think a sorry is in order. You know Donald trump better than that of course.