Montrose Place amongst world's best luxury drug rehabilitation centers
Cape Town and South Africa has finally joined the ranks of the world's best and most exclusive luxury drug treatment and rehabilitation facilities. Montrose Place outshines most of them, offering an extended care retreat with exceptional world-class facilities and highly sought after staff, positioned in Cape Town's most pleasurable surroundings.

And what better time to talk about Cape Town and South Africa's newest and most exclusive drug treatment retreat! Just after New Year! - JUST as most of Cape Town finds themselves madly rummaging through the bathroom cabinet, desperately trying to find that last razor blade to finally end the pain. The self-loathing. The Loser Complex.
Shhh! Come with me..
Look what Montrose Place has to offer!

Montrose Place
South Africa's most exclusive and luxurious rehab facility
I'm amazed it took Cape Town so long to get this together! It's absolutely PERFECT! Not only has Cape Town produced the best drug addicts in the world, but the WORLD has desperately needed a luxury substance abuse facility in Cape Town. Foreigners LOVE this city so much - the natural beauty simply lends itself drug rehabilitation! We've seen the celebs and playboys first hand - they could come into town, party their heads off one last time, and finish off with a visit to the most exclusive drug rehab treatment retreat in the country! An extended holiday featuring extended care! And the people behind Montrose Place couldn't have picked a better suburb - Bishopscourt - Cape Town's oldest and most prestigious suburb.
I'm no pro on rehabilitation and treatment centers, but I must say that total luxury would be an essential for me. The fact that it comes with a private chef and maid service would make sense - and the irony certainly wouldn't be missed, given that my own domestic executive, Mavis, would more than likely be the cause of my entering rehab in the first place.

Oh very nice. Sort yourself out in style.
Private en-suit bedrooms with kitchenettes, as well as a personal driver will back up the rumours that both Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears have been making enquiries. The retreat's promise of "discreet airport transfers" certainly does suggest this type of clientele. Let's face it, this place is right up their street; certainly a lot easier than having helicopters swarming you during the usual stints in the U.S. Britters reckons she doesn't need rehab. Fair enough, she probably didn't see this video.
Using the latest scientific treatment standards, as well as the classic "12 steps" and "Minnesota" models, one wonders if they will put together some sort of a mini-rehab package for Capetonians. They could call it the "Camps Bay Model". You know, just a quick 3 day clean up... until next time. Very useful for the playas and coke whores found on the other side of Table Mountain!
I visited the center the other day and, with home theatres, 15-meter swimming pool, khoi pond, spa and salon treatments, yoga room, library, internet and air conditioning, I begged (to no avail) one of the Directors to tip me off when any of our favourite worn-out starlets (or 6-foot Minnesota models) have checked in. I'd be glad to help the rehabilitation process with my own special jacuzzi treatments. And then, once checked out, we could also test the process by seeing how they handle saying no to the bottle of rose Dom I CRACK open as the sun gently sets in front of The Safe House, with some Pink Martini playing on the iPod.
Just one sip, my babba.. it'll be fine..
God, look at that sky.
I love you.
Hold me.
Montrose Place
Phone: +27 21 797 9270
Seth Rotherham
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