We know we’re kind of blessed down here in this neck of the woods with some breathtaking beauty. It would almost be rude not to take a photo in front of that glorious setting now wouldn’t it?
Charity starts at home, so if someone could make it easier to give to worthy causes from the comfort of our couches we’d be inclined to give them a high five. Enter this game-changer.
If you’re a fan of Woolies and their offerings you will most likely sympathise with this poor soul, hounded out and banned from the store for causing upset.
There was loud applause today in the Grahamstown High Court after the judge upheld the original decision to refuse Christopher Panayiotou bail.
If you grew up in South Africa in the early 90’s you would have more than likely watched your fair share of MacGyver. That man had a way with gadgets and so can you.
Movie stars can be known for throwing their weight around. But Sean Penn’s recent request has us asking if he’s gone too far in the name of his art
If you’re appalled by the practice of canned lion hunting (and most of us are) you’ll like what’s coming out of this guy’s mouth. The tide might just be turning.
When you have a boat load of money to throw around you don’t want to waste your time sifting through properties that don’t catch your interest. Enter this site for the mega wealthy.
It was another case of the Springboks saying goodbye to a lead in the last ten minutes this past weekend. Let’s turn a semi-impartial observer and see what he thinks.
Some crimes are so well thought out that it isn’t surprising when no one is brought to justice. The tragic axe murders back in January this year seem to have flummoxed the police.
Ahh, the start of a new week. And what better way to get it going than watching some firefighters play make-believe with the Nkandla fire pool
We have all experienced our fair share of ‘rage against the machine’, those moments when you just want to pulverise any machine within arm’s reach. Relax, help is here.
Defending your head of state against assassinations and attacks is a necessary evil. So how does Nkandla’s safe haven bunker look after our dear JZ?
Oh you’re such a jet setter these days, but please explain to me why you insist on using that crummy old bag you’ve had for the past fifteen years?
A music teacher at one of the Cape’s most prestigious schools stands accused of sexually assaulting at least six of his students.
When it comes to guns, there’s a fine line between self-protection and attack, as a man from Sandton found out when he was faced with an armed gang
I don’t want to speak out of turn here but we’re using the word ‘mastermind’ loosely. Looks like this shyster is about to get his comeuppance.
Hier kommie Jack Parow and he isn’t mucking about – say hello to his new track ‘Never Gonna Grow Up’, I have a feeling you two will get on just fine.
That Google Maps will sometimes catch you at the most inopportune moment won’t it? Take for example this street in Jozi that showcases some of it’s finest all in one go.
Sometimes we get away with acting the fool and everyone emerges unscathed. Other times our idiotic actions are captured in all their glory for the rest of the world to enjoy.
The problem with telling so many lies for so long is that eventually where they end and the truth begins. It looks like JZ has been caught in a whopper with this one.
Train surfing is steadily increasing in popularity amongst the younger members of the community, but it is not all fun and games with this incident ending fatally.
We’ve been hearing a lot from Elon Musk’s dad lately, who seems hell-bent on portraying himself as a doting father. But if his children are to believed, it’s certainly not the case.
Even Donald Trump would have been impressed with the gall shown by ANC supporters outside Nkandla during yesterday’s inspection. Clutching at straws, anyone?
The photos from yesterday’s Nkandla inspection are truly shocking. Just kidding, there are sadly no surprises here as the country’s media show us what we’ve been paying for
The worst thing about this time of year in Cape Town is that it’s usually colder inside than out, which is the perfect excuse to get your mates together and head on down to HQ.
If you haven’t yet had a tug on an e-cigarette you’re doing it all wrong. We’re not here to preach but sometimes you can have your cake and eat it.
It looks like one of our local rappers is a firm believer in the notion that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. He might owe Kanye West a thank you as well.
Parents beware: If Errol Musk is to be believed, signing your kids up for school sports is the first step to them becoming a cold-blooded killer.
After details of the schoolboy bullying suffered by Elon Musk went public yesterday his father has added his voice to the subject. Looks like Elon had it pretty rough back then.