Unless you have visited Egypt and seen these yourself, you wouldn’t have seen the inside of the Valley of Kings tombs – until now.
It’s no secret that Cape Town’s congestion is some of the worst in the world – and this is how they plan to alleviate it.
Today is a monster day for the future of Britain and the EU, and like all seminal moments people are throwing serious cash around.
Choosing the right medical aid for your family is a headache you probably don’t need – so here’s how they all stack up against each other.
Call them what you want, the fact remains that it’s 2016 and we need to rid ourselves of this blight on society.
Earning a salary of over R100 000 per month places you in a very elite income bracket, especially in South Africa. Here are how the numbers stack up.
Ricky’s last movie may have been something of a dud, but you know when he busts out David Brent it always ends well.
As reports emerge of exactly what police found at the Neverland Ranch back in 2003, footage and video has now been released. Very disturbing.
The latest list of the world’s most expensive cities, for expats who are looking for a western standard of living, shows London ain’t all that bad.
Dylan Puttergill has quite the story to tell, the youngster attacked whilst surfing in a popular Wild Coast spot.
Oh dear America, look what you’ve gone and done now. Really it’s just one twat in action, but it points to a much larger problem.
Here at 2OV we encourage some light petting in the office, but we tend to keep the spanking for after hours. Not so in China.
Finally, the U.S.A’s Democratic House caucus are standing up to the country’s gun laws in the wake of the Orlando massacre.
Just when you think suspended judge Mabel Jansen was enjoying some down time, she goes and puts her foot right back in her mouth.
Trump supporters come in all shapes and sizes, but we are beginning to see more and more of these types turning out at his rallies.
Now that Major Tim Peake is back, and had his fill of earthly pizza and beer, he spoke about how he experienced life in space.
He may still dominate news around the world, but those poll numbers are beginning to drop. You really think DT will hang around until he is declared the loser?
It’s not exactly news that Kendall has a nipple ring, but her latest outfit choice makes sure everyone knows what it looks like.
Google are known for their awesome digs, and now we can look at their new London offices. Anything like this in Cape Town?
The Queen won’t actually get a vote in the Brexit referendum, proving just how useless her title really is, but if she did which way would she side?
For many South Africans the two go hand in hand, and a Saturday at the rugby ain’t the same without the tasty treat. Check this out then.
This weekend a petrol station attendant in Limpopo was the victim of a beating, and it appears his race may have had a role to play.
The digging for any and all information on Omar Mateen continues, and the latest from his alleged lover is something of a game changer.
Michael Jackson may have made some timeless music in his day, but new evidence paints the man as an absolute monster.
Rollercoasters aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it seemed to suit Selena more than it did the host James. Oh well, at least they had a laugh.
South African companies do (and should) generally have a zero tolerance approach to racism from their staff, but what happens when you’ve been hacked?
Julius Melema lost his shit yesterday, when he visited the police station in the East Rand dealing with a murder case. Watch it now.
He is one of Russia’s richest men, but his divorce could be the scene of one of the richest legal battle of all times. Expect this one to get messy.
Who would have thought that when the elusive Bitcoin currency rolled out, a South African would one day take the reins.
We’ve all seen these flyers plastered around the city, but one woman’s story should be all the ammo you need to steer well clear of calling that number.