BIC is winning with its latest Women’s Day campaign as South African’s take to Facebook to highlight – ahem – their shock at attempts to inspire.
We all have those friends who insist on telling the world how spectacular their other half is. They might be, don’t get me wrong, and now a study says your sharing could be a good thing.
‘Come on, join the revolution’ they said, ‘it will be fun’ they said. Now they, the friends who punted Google+ like it was the bee’s knees, are watching the site die a slow death.
Off the back of Facebook’s continued growth the expansion of Mark Zuckerberg’s empire shows no sign of slowing down. He’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.
We all know the feeling when you wake up on a Sunday and one of your friends has tagged you in a horrible picture. Getting them to remove that might be easier than going to the police though.
You know how you sometimes start watching a video on Facebook but you don’t want to commit to doing one thing at a time? You’re in luck, Facebook are on the case.
That awkward moment when Facebook suggests friends and it happens to be someone you thought was already a friend is set to be a thing of the past.
As South Africa readies itself for the arrival of Facebook, the advertising guru tasked with heading the new office has been announced. Here’s what you need to know.
This is one that is sure to delight the design junkies out there – Facebook has tweaked their logo as part of a new push and we have the lowdown.
Facebook is coming to town and they have some pretty grand plans. Here’s hoping Eskom doesn’t plunge them into darkness and leave millions with nothing to do.
Whatsapp has taken over the way we communicate, from messages to voice notes to images, videos and calls… but just how many people are looking at your conversations?
Humans can be pretty weird and nasty sometimes… You know what I mean – we all slow down to look at the car accident. Here’s something that Facebook is pretty much forcing us to watch.
It has been a month since Sheryl Sandberg’s husband died suddenly from heart trauma and yesterday she took to Facebook to describe the grieving process thus far.
I take the train to work and if my eyes are in too much agony after having to wake up I don’t read my book but instead scroll through Facebook because it’s sometimes more entertaining in a sadistic kind of way.
There are some hashtags that have the power to infuriate but, with a bit of common sense and know-how, they can be a very effective marketing tool for small and big business alike.
Before you get completely bent out of shape these latest changes to the beloved Facebook might not be the worst thing ever. Take a deep breath and find out more.
There’s a video doing the rounds on Facebook that has generated a huge amount of buzz, but no one seems to realise that the Church of Scientology is behind the whole thing.
There are few things in life worse than when your friend starts tagging you in photos the morning after the night before. That shit can end friendships.
Social media has changed our lives, mostly for the better (until someone posts a bad photo of you), and now Facebook is going to make things easier.
If you’re someone who insists on updating us as to your every emotion then you should perhaps watch this video. Your next attention-seeking status awaits.
Oh yes please history. I just adore being reminded by The Facebook of the good old days when I was thinner and younger and had less wrinkles.
There’s nothing like being reminded by Facebook that it is your colleagues sister-who-you-met-once boyfriend’s birthday. That is just not a priority today, sorry.
Facebook have come out and clarified a few nagging issues regarding what is acceptable to post on the social media site. You can, of course, get a little creative and bend some rules.
We have heard Mark Zuckerberg likes to keep his life pretty simple and he recently reiterated this when he revealed his one tip for hiring new staff. We’re all ears.
Don’t throw cigarette butts out of your car window, duhhh. And, if you do, make sure no one snaps a photo of your license plate as some amateur detectives are hot on your heels.
In a move that has shocked America Mark Zuckerberg has only gone and learnt a second language. And no, I don’t mean redneck hillbilly.
You can dig around online and find any number of beheadings, head shots and other unsavoury things. God forbid you show a breast-feeding picture though, because people will not be happy.
With an estimated 12million users in South Africa, it’s no wonder Facebook is looking at the best country in the world to open up shop. What will the offices look like? Will Mark visit?
Ah, Facebook. So much more fun than LinkedIn. Imagine a combination. They should bring Tinder into the mix, too. See who you can date from the office. What fun.
*Ugh. Wait. I need to go check my Facebook. I’ll be back in reality now now.* I do that little sequence a few times a day…