The #FeesMustFall movement may be in the news less these days, but send out a tweet like this and you’ll quickly see that the battle rages on.
The DA have come out swinging in some of the more important metros in the country, and initial results point towards a strong showing.
It’s serious squeaky bum time heading into tomorrow’s municipal elections, and turning up to have your voice heard has never been more important.
It’s time for a proper rant people, and if you’ve come across this garbage story doing the rounds please join me in getting very angry.
If your biggest worry tomorrow is over how you’ll get to and from the venue where you’re voting then good news, Uber is here to help.
Homer Simpson hasn’t exactly been a beacon of decent decision making over the years, but maybe Marge can talk a little sense into him?
You could spend tomorrow with your feet up doing bugger all, or you could pay close attention to a very important day for the future of this country.
Down here we often joke about the Cape becoming its own republic, and one political party are dead serious about making it happen.
It’s always worth reading an international perspective on our country’s political landscape, which is why this interview is most certainly worth a read.
It was easy for Donald to run his mouth when he first announced he would run for president, but now some of those statements are coming back to haunt him.
The chants of ‘pay back the money’ may finally die down in Parliament, but just how JZ plans to raise that money will anger many.
Mmusi and others are calling this the most important election since 1994, and when you consider the far-reaching implications you can see why.
This past weekend, Jacob Zuma went to the EC to drum up support before the elections on Wednesday. He was certainly treated like a king.
Trump promised no more nice guy over the weekend, but the team at the New York Post may have pulled off the nastiest takedown themselves.
Creating urinals with Donald Trump’s face is now a thing – and the latest occurred in Dublin. You really should check these out.
Kenny Kunene has made himself relevant again after buying a very NSFW painting of DA leaders – including Zille, Selfe, and Maimane.
Communications Minister Faith Muthambi seems determined to stick her neck out on a number of contentious issues, but her latest rant takes the cake.
Hillary took the stage last night in Philly, and was joined by her fellow supporters as well as thousands and thousands of balloons. Over to you Bill.
Having a cosy relationship with JZ usually means you’re untouchable, until he decides to throw you under the bus. That’s not the case for Marius Fransman.
Edward Snowden might be hiding out in Russia these days, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t keeping a close eye on what’s cracking over in the U.S.
I imagine it’s a proud moment for any daughter to say her parent is headed to the White House, so Chelsea must be pretty stoked with this double act.
Like most of the watching world, Trevor is struggling to understand how the U.S. have reached this point. He wasn’t holding back in his latest rant.
Marius Fransman isn’t backing down after being suspended for sexual harassment, so Zapiro decided to turn him into an evil Pokemon.
I’m sure it wasn’t an admission that came easily, but the time has come for POTUS to scare America’s apathetic voters into action.
You know that kid on the playground who will do anything to keep attention focused on them? He grew up and became the Republican nominee.
Bill Clinton seems mighty proud that his wife is first female nominee of a major U.S. political party, and that made him all kinds of soppy.
The Democratic National Convention was thrown into turmoil by another email leak, and of course that timing wasn’t by chance.
She didn’t quite drop the mic and moonwalk off stage, but Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech was a massive home run.
He has already secured the Republican nomination in fine style, and now some are saying he can’t be stopped on his march to the White House.
Apparently Malik Obama and his half-brother aren’t getting on all that well at present, which has resulted in the former ticking Trump.