The Cost Of Being A Bad Father – Please Forward To Jacob Zuma
When it comes to parenting everyone has their own take on what makes or breaks a child. The ‘father’ of our nation, ol’ Jacob to the Zuma, could well do with learning a few of these handy tips.
READ: Mmusi Maimane’s SONA Debate Speech
Here is Mmusi Maimane speaking some great words of wisdom and explaining to the general public why Zuma is not the great man everyone seems to think he is.
WATCH: Julius Malema’s SONA Debate Speech [Video]
I keep imagining a lovely luncheon at the Saxon in Joburg, and my guest list is purely Julius Malema. It would be great to know where he is heading with all this…
Tough To Stomach – Mugabe Will Serve Elephant And Lion Meat At His Birthday Bash
I suppose we should all feel a pang of guilt each time we eat commercially-farmed livestock bought from a supermarket but hey, at least we aren’t eating elephants and lions Uncle Bob.
Jewish Man Walks The Streets Of Paris – Shocking Footage [Video]
Hidden cameras always reveal the truth, even if sometimes it is of the unwanted type. But at least it makes us aware as to what’s going on in the world.
This Is What Tony Leon Has To Say About Our ‘Darkest Moment’
Tony Leon shares his thoughts on last week’s SONA reality show. The good news is that we’re apparently not in our darkest hour yet…
Parliament Security Staff Trained On The Cape Flats With Malema Pictures As Targets
The impartial white-shirted security forces who were responsible for the ejection of EFF members at Thursday’s SONA may not been so impartial after all. Shock, horror.
Chump Change – They Reckon Putin’s Fortune CREAMS Bill Gates
Putin has been in power for over a decade and he is personally reaping the benefits of Russia’s growing economy. Honestly, are he and Zuma giving each other tips?
Photos Reveal Zuma Hosing Himself As EFF Were Thrown Out
What a ruckus the SONA was. You have to laugh at it to keep your sanity. That or you’re going to drown yourself in a bathtub with a bottle of vodka and your ex’s leftover oxycontin.
Secret Document Reveals Terrifying Details Of Our Nuclear Plan With Russia
Sometimes ignorance is bliss and, after some of the terms of South Africa’s nuclear deal with Russia have come to light, I might be inclined to agree.
Things Are Reaching A Head After Parliament Speaker Called Malema A ‘Cockroach’
And the name-calling train rolls on, gathering steam with each day as our politicians take to name-calling, mud-slinging and behaving with a distinct lack of class.
Was The EFF Correct In Their Application Of The Rules Of Parliament? Let’s Have A Look
So who was right and who was wrong? We ain’t legal experts here but let’s try a bit of the old nitty-gritty and see where it gets us.
If You Care: Here’s Zuma’s Full SONA Speech
Have you got far too much time on your hands and the desire to increase your blood pressure dramatically? Well then, we have just the thing you’re looking for.
Here’s Gareth Cliff’s Bitch-Fight With The Home Affairs Spokesperson
Everyone had an opinion pre-SONA, and everyone certainly has a clear opinion post. Gareth Cliff’s opinion would be interesting, and here’s his Twitter for you.
Foreigners May Not Own Land In South Africa
Good news foreigners wanting to grab a nice spot of South African land by the sea on which to retire…yeah, sorry, no good news at all I’m afraid. Leasing is fun though, right?
The Moment The DA Walked Out Of Parliament [Video]
Aah, The SONA. What a great movie. It was like it was scripted. Looks like they should have taken Malema’s threats a little more seriously.
EFF Thrown Out Of Parliament – What The SABC Didn’t Show You [Video]
Anyone who watched the State of the Nation address on TV would have been aware that there was a LOT of action they ‘chose’ not to air. Like this video of the EFF being thrown out.
Dr. Evil? Enjoy This Video Of Zuma After Everyone Was Thrown / Walked Out Of Parliament
This is how Zuma returned to the podium after the EFF were thrown out and the DA walked out (after learning that Zuma’s police with guns had been involved).
It’s All Going Off Ahead Of Tonight’s SONA
Pay attention folks because it is getting all kinds of messy before tonight’s State of the Nation address. Fights, police threats, controversy and drama…all essential viewing.
The Kim Jong Un Golf Game You Have All Been Waiting For
Probably not the best game ever made, but if you need a hole-in-one definitely get involved in some Kim Jong Golf.
Awesome Footage Of Mandela’s Release 25 Years Ago [Video]
Who remembers looking for Diaper Babies at the bottom of the swimming pool, trying to beat the Kreepy Krauly, on this important day?
The Time Mandela Went Missing – The Day He Was Released
Add another heart-warming story to your Madiba collection folks. Just what did the great man get up to when he went missing for an hour after being released?
Check This Video Of Malema When He Was A Teen – Heckling His Head Off
Who would have thought Julius Malema was an angry teenager right? Enjoy this footage of him losing his rag back in 2001.
Chad le Clos’ Selfie With Zuma Is UNBELIEVABLE
The day before the circus hits Parliament, ole JZ invited some guests to pay him a visit in Parliament, but first, Llama takes a selfie.
This British Perspective On Zuma’s Jan Van Riebeeck Comments Has Gone Viral
There is an article doing the rounds written by a rather irate Briton in response to some of JZ’s latest comments. In case you happen to have missed it we have you covered.
Please Enjoy Our Home Affairs Minister’s Wife’s R11,000 Sneakers
What a treat it must be to spend your husband’s money, especially when your budget is endless and with thanks to the taxpayers of South Africa.
VICE Magazine Just Published This Article About SA’s Power Grid Being ‘On The Brink Of Collapse’
Here’s a lighthearted article about Eskom and what the world thinks of our little energy crisis.
Worried About SONA? Zuma Admits That He Has Never Been Nervous In His Life, NEVER
Jacob Zuma dropped a bombshell Sunday when he claimed he had never been nervous in his life before. Roll up your sleeves Julius, there is work to be done.
Anti-Charlie Hebdo Protests Across London [Photos]
Protesters in London took to the streets yesterday to denounce Charlie Hebdo for publishing images of the Prophet Muhammad. People are angry.
John, You Legend: Singer Takes A Stand
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their own actions if they believe strongly against something. Take John Legend. He is happy to miss a party for something he strongly believes is wrong.