Sometimes it takes extreme measures to topple the top brass, and apparently Jesus himself could be at the forefront of the ANC’s downfall.
Julius’ campaign to get white people to sign up to the EFF just may be working, if this weekend is anything to go by. Let’s see if he gets this one right.
Sometimes it helps to have a villain people can rally against, and the same is true for comics. Enter this thinly-veiled insult to the Donald.
We’re catching some serious heat around the world for a resolution we just voted down ,and if you look a little closer it isn’t pretty.
We’ve seen Barack belting out a tune in the past, but this time it was a little closer to home. Classic dad move to embarrass his daughter.
By now you have probably seen the DA’s latest ad campaign. They are very good at irking the opposition, and now a Mandela wants it removed.
When the going gets tough sometimes you have to play hardball, and it looks like the ‘Remain’ campaign may have failed to punt their campaign properly.
It seems no one is keen to hang around and finish the job they started, with UKIP’s Nigel Farage just announcing his resignation.
It’s been a rough few days for embattled former mayor of London Boris Johnson, but that’s not stopping the public from having a go too.
Yesterday’s announcement that Boris wouldn’t run for PM sent shock waves around the world. Turns out he had to dig the knife out of his back.
With local elections just around the corner, the country is seeing plenty of protest and turmoil. So how is this affecting the voters’ prospective choices?
It’s never nice to be compared to the minister of propaganda under Adolf Hitler’s infamous Nazi regime, but they say if the shoe fits wear it.
We know that appealing to Donald’s sensibilities is an exercise in futility, so this magazine decided to try and win over his daughter Ivanka.
If today is the day you’re packing your bags and taking to the air be warned, you might want to leave a little earlier than normal.
Politicians are well versed in the art of posing for the cameras, but a three-way handshake went horribly awry for Obama and his pals.
In amongst all the facts and figures floating around it appears one vital piece of information has been largely overlooked. JZ will be loving this then.
Sodwana Bay’s guesthouse owner Andre Slade has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Now his life just got a whole lot worse.
As the British economy reels in the wake of the Brexit vote, some are suggesting that the divorce might not come to pass at all. Here’s why.
Nigel Farage is not a gracious winner, something that was made obvious as he smugly attacked the EU and blew his own trumpet.
When the upgrade to your abode costs a whopping R246 million, what is a ‘reasonable’ amount to pay back? The numbers get crunched here.
Following the ConCourt ruling JZ is required to pay back the money for Nkandla. Today that amount has finally been settled on.
Would you still vote for a politician if they shot someone in the street? What about if they burn the country’s flag? Take a look at this bunch.
There’s wealthy people and then there are billionaires, and this how how much money they lost after the UK decided to leave the EU.
The UK just voted to leave the EU and, as predicted, there will be consequences. Turns out Scotland are pretty much fuming.
Just when you think Andre Slade couldn’t get any worse you hear another interview, one where he really outdoes himself.
The Brexit decision sure has had its influence the world over – and now some peeps in Cape Town are trying to follow suit here at home.
With the news of Brexit reverberating around the world heads have begun to roll. They don’t come much bigger than David Cameron though.
Now that Britain has left the European Union, it’s pretty obvious that a bit of shit has already hit the fan. The worst is still to come.
I don’t know what they put in the water over at Sodwana Bay, but if the actions of one guest house owner are anything to go by it’s crazy juice.
Oh dear America, look what you’ve gone and done now. Really it’s just one twat in action, but it points to a much larger problem.