So how do you go about trying to financially compensate families who have lost loved ones due to flying your airline? Lufthansa are digging deep, but is it deep enough?
One would think the fact that the Germanwings plane is on the side of a steep mountain is bad enough. But, no, there are a multitude of other things to worry about.
It’s little actions like this one that restore your faith in humanity – they can be small and simple and have the largest impact. Just look at the difference this guy made.
More news to ensure all nervous flyers the world over get a crummy night’s rest – another plane has gone down in Canada and it’s the Airbus A320 again.
As the media attention from around the world focuses on the Germanwings crash new details have emerged as to why the pilot took the plane down.
It is quite terrifying how a big and solid airplane can simply be torn into a thousand pieces and scattered around a mountainside like confetti.
Much as the Oscar trial made us all legal experts this Germanwings crash is set to turn us all into aviation masters. Here’s how this pilot was clever in how he planned the crash.
Long gone are the days when pilots would welcome children into the cockpit for a bit of real life Flight Simulator. Nope, it seems now you just pray you’re going to make it to an airstrip.
The plot thickens – new reports are suggesting that one of the pilots aboard the doomed flight was locked out of the cockpit during the plane’s plunge into the French Alps.
With eight major airplane crashes in the past year, it’s a wonder we don’t all start taking ships again. #aintnobodygottimeforthat
The Airbus A320 plane that crashed yesterday in the Alps could have been too old – is that what caused the crash? Let’s have a look at what the pro’s have to say.
New details have come to light since yesterday’s tragic plane crash in France and the list of those on board really does make for difficult reading.
Well this day isn’t getting any better – reports from France indicate a plane flying between Spain and Germany has crashed with 142 people on board..
Charles and Camilla hopped over the pond to visit the US this week. In between work ‘things’ they got to be right royal tourists. Here are some happy snaps of the lovely couple.
The Western Cape continues to be battered by rogue fires and Stellenbosch is the latest victim. We’re not big fans of wet weather but let the heavens open soon please.
Dramatic footage has emerged of the moment two helicopters in Argentina collided mid-air, which I imagine is pretty much the worst place a helicopter collision could occur.
There was plenty of misinformation flying around regarding the Cape fires and their effect on the environment. Here’s the lowdown on where the blaze leaves us fynbos-wise.
There was a little incident at a New York airport yesterday where a plane narrowly missed sliding into a river because of a little snowbank. They should all go build snowmen in thanks.
This is why you should definitely still do the Cape Town Cycle Tour on Sunday and no, danger cannot be an excuse
There’s another fire, can you believe it? Reporters are saying it’s unrelated, but still – more flames to fight against with in already stretched resources.
Now you can write your own ‘thank you’ note to those battling the blaze the last five days. Come now, it’s the least you can do.
Another day, another set of incredible images to tug at the heart strings. This picture of a grieving lady in Tokai really nails home the scale of the destruction.
Don’t throw cigarette butts out of your car window, duhhh. And, if you do, make sure no one snaps a photo of your license plate as some amateur detectives are hot on your heels.
It is four days short of a year since Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 vanished off the face of the planet. Theories have been mounting in the past 12 months and this is a rater plausible one.
Yes, this is happening. Reports are circulating that some heartless souls are now looting the houses of those forced to evacuate.
You can do your part in helping with the Cape Town fires – share this with friends and those affected, and please, do a rain dance.
Sometimes there is beauty even in absolute destruction and this picture of the fire raging in Muizenberg is an eerie reminder of that.
It doesn’t make for pretty viewing folks. Silvermine and Ou Kaapse Weg have taken an absolute battering and here is the drone footage to prove it.
Some of the latest news emerging from the Cape peninsula fires will get your blood boiling, especially when you find out what they think might have caused the blaze.
Here’s the easiest way to help out our firefighting heroes around the Cape Peninsula – Uber to the rescue.