Hello readers. Look at your colleague. Now back to the screen. Now back at your colleague. Now back to the screen. Sadly, your colleague isn’t your screen.
It’s been a hectic holiday season in terms of road deaths, with well over 850 people perishing on our roads in December alone.
“Doing good has never been easier.” That’s the tagline thrown into each video, indicating that everybody at the table has done something incredibly altruistic for the benefit of mankind. The new series entitled ‘The Good Guys’ contrasts the historical figures Jesus, Gandhi and Mother Teresa with your average Joe, and shows how a few simple mouse clicks is enough to make a difference and score the Mr Average a seat at the table with the greats.
It’s about time that condom advertising did away with all the coy innuendos and started getting to the point.
Japanese tyre manufacturer, Autoway Tyres decided to ditch the “sex sells” approach, and instead tried to scare their customers into submission. Their new ad is being called the scariest ad of all time – not least of all because it actually comes with a health warning and a liability disclaimer.
Nandos have nailed it, once again by channeling the age old philosophy that you ought to at least buy someone dinner before you screw them. This ad was in most of Johannesburg’s daily papers this morning. [Pic : Twitter]
Russia may have a lot of political baggage – but this is just silly. A giant, two-storey designer Louis Vuitton suitcase was erected on the red square, just metres away from Vladimir Lenin’s sacred mausoleum – where the mummified body of the mastermind of the Bolshevik Revolution remains.
A few days ago, a typo on a Samsung billboard in London caught the attention of the internet thanks to the accidental inclusion of the word, “penis”. Obviously.
British Airways, in partnership with Ogilvy UK, have launched a staggering new campaign, called “Look up.” In so doing, they’ve revolutionised the way we see billboards, and other airlines will be kicking themselves for not doing this first.
There are many ways of using a billboard to attract the attention of potential customers. Whether this was a deft marketing ploy or sheer idiocy, we will never know.
A loyal Isidingo cast member has reportedly been fired because he refused endorse a bank, whose name was included in his lines.
We’re finalising a list of the sexiest people in South Africa’s Digital / Advertising / Marketing space. But we need your help to add the finishing touches.
Since Volvo released a frankly remarkable piece of radvertising featuring Jean Claude Van Damme splitting between two moving trucks, a lot of spoofs have surfaced. Even Channing Tatum published a spoof. Sadly for Channing, he isn’t nearly as funny or original as Derek Watts and the Sunday Blues.
In order to advertise their ‘Week of Greatness’, Footlocker put together an ad that makes you feel like everything is right with the world.
So, Bafana Bafana lost a major sponsor in Puma, when they pulled out a while ago. Now, companies are scrambling to fill the place once occupied by the big cat brand.
With payments like these, one is forced to believe that actors like Matt Damon earn a pittance from their films, and are in a position where they need to get as much income from advertising as possible – but we all know that not to be the case.
Just after we published the article on Mango Airlines and their case with the ASA, we had a little squizz on their website to see if they had obeyed the ASA’s ruling – and we found something that might be of interest.
Last year, Mango airlines famously became the first South African airline to offer in-flight internet access. Strangely, Mango also became the first South African airline to lie about having internet access on board. Yup, the Advertising Standards Authority has decided that, in order or you to use WiFi access as part of your marketing strategy, you need to actually have WiFi.
South African-based ad agency, Joe Public, created this masterful campaign for a school in Johannesburg that teaches in both English and Afrikaans. The campaign features a series of posters with poetry on them – that’s not the clever part though. The clever part is that each of the poems can be read word-for-word in both English and Afrikaans, with only slight changes in meaning.
It must be said – the recession hit us all hard. We’re not as wealthy as we used to be, and won’t be as prosperous as we hoped we would. In particular, the 2008 recession hit men the hardest, and left more men out of work than women. What did this mean? This means that more men were taking on home-keeping tasks like shopping, cooking and cleaning.
One could spend hours scrolling through the listings of Gumtree. Logging in to one of South Africa’s most popular classifieds has become a little bit like window shopping, with a few key differences. For one, you don’t have to actually get up and go anywhere – so no need for pants.
Remember YouTube in the good old days? In the beginning, YouTube was a sandbox for the lazy creative. Families would post home-videos, schoolchildren would post clips of teachers being hit with various forms of fruit – and cats stole the limelight in dazzling acrobatic displays. Oh how things have changed.
Oh, so you thought your name, face and fact that you “liked” the coffee at that place down the road was personal, private information? Sorry to say but, you’re wrong. At least in Google’s eyes that is…
Hot Pockets’ latest ad, titled “You Got What I Eat,” is a four-minute parody of Biz Markie’s “Just a Friend,” starring Kate Upton, Snoop Dogg and Bow Wow.And it’s pretty much one of the weirdest things on the internet right now. The video features a blinged out Larry King, a mini spacecraft and a cute video game death match. Weird, man.
What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? A hidden camera promotion engineered and executed by Sony could be one of the best viral film trailers of all time. The stunt captured the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witnessed a “telekinetic event.” “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise” […]
Samsung have dropped two very clever ads for their recently-released Galaxy Gear smartwatch. While the watch itself has disappointed pundits with its limited battery life, and the fact that it can only work in conjunction with the Galaxy Note, Samsung may have regained some ground in the field of public perception with these two great TV spots for the product.
Well, this is just delightful. An outspoken but thus-far anonymous critic of the e-Tolls system in Johannesburg has erected massive advertising-grade billboards on the side of the N1 and N3, reading “E-tolls. Proudly brought to you by the ANC.”
To celebrate the success of their new TV ad, “The Chef”, Amstel Lager is giving consumers a chance to enjoy it like never before. Turning the logo on the Amstel bottle into an augmented reality reader, consumers can now enjoy the ad and their favourite beer at the same time – creating a whole new viewing experience.
Before we get right to the good stuff and tell you how much online publications like Forbes, BuzzFeed and the Huffington Post charge for ‘native advertising,’ we’re going to give you a quick crash course in what native advertising is – just to get everyone up to speed.
True is a mobile phone network in Thailand. Their three minute (yep, the ad is that long) is melting people’s faces across the globe for its powerful narrative, following a man who is ultimately rewarded for a lifetime of good deeds.