One of the miracles of getting older is how things that used to be of zero interest are suddenly popular topics of conversation. I’ll take my tips where I can get them.
Donald loves to play the blame game, with Barack Obama an easy punching bag. Surely he can’t be serious about the White House aircon, though?
Nothing is sacred when it comes to the whims of an Airbnb guest. There’s something about your average Airbnb guest where they take everything terribly seriously.
These days, it seems like some household appliances are designed to break over time. When it comes to the repair versus replace question, here’s something to bear in mind.
Are you really okay with anybody who gets your number being able to view your WhatsApp profile picture? Changing the setting takes 30 seconds, tops.
The battle over the office aircon temperature can quickly turn into a major battleground. You may want to strike early on this front.
What if I told you that this was not just the natural course of things, and that these appliances are purposefully built not to last?