Blackberry Outages Hits USA – A three-day disruption of BlackBerry services spread to North America on Wednesday, frustrating millions of users of the Research In Motion smartphones and putting more pressure on the company for sweeping changes. [ibtimes] 1.5 Million SA Blackberry Users Affected – The lack of access to BlackBerry services has had a […]
I was reading Esquire magazine this weekend on my iPad 2 (get the Zinio app for magazine reading) and stumbled upon this pic of Candice Swanepoel, as she continues the practice of dropping napalm everywhere she goes. Thought you might “like”. Click here to see our past Candice Swanepoel posts.
A true 2oceansviber, Charl D, just sent me this. It’s basically all you need for the 2011 Rugby World Cup. All the fixtures, teams and times – BOOM – straight into your calendar with one click! Shame, we really do spoil you here, don’t we? Note – this is for iCal (ie. Mac). If You […]
Our original article about the Waterfront iStore (entitled “iStore Does Not Need Your Business” has been read over 10,000 times. This is mainly due to the fact that the article ranks number 1 in Google if you search for “cape town iStore.” the beauty of this situation is that the comments section of the article […]
Sounds pretty remarkable, doesn’t it? You see, it all started when I was cruising around Schipol Airport and noticed that they were selling the iPad 2 for MORE than what you can buy one from at Digicape. Digicape are selling the iPad 2 with 32Gb and 3G for R6,599 – no spice. Can you believe […]
With Digicape taking care of the vibe since 2008, it’s a given that the 2oceansvibe Media compound is Mac ‘verskrik.’ It is for that very reason, and the fact that the world agrees with us (Apple is now worth more than Microsoft and Intel combined) that we wish to give you this video and full […]
We’re so proud of the 2oceansvibe Weathergirls and the way they’re quietly destroying the globe with their beauty. Take for example our very first Weathergirl, Genevieve Morton, who finds herself in the pages of the US Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue! I was paging through the latest issue on my iPad (thanks Digicape) and got such […]
It’s a special special time, my friends. Sure, the iPhone 4 launch was epic and the launch of the iPad was verging on orgasmic. But, come on – a whole new range of Macbook Pros? Mmm – just when you thought you were happy, Apple and Digicape raise the bar even further. Do yourself a […]
The iPad Finally Comes To South Africa – Officially! – Finally the first OFFICIAL Apple sanctioned iPads are available in South Africa. Digicape, 2oceansvibe and SA’s favourite official Apple Mac product provider made the announcement on their website at midnight, last night. iPads will start at R4,399 and, by all accounts, you better move fast […]
We quietly dominated Dunes in Hout Bay for Ard Matthews and Just Jinjer’s ninth-year-in-a-row performance on Saturday afternoon. And what a killer day it was. The mussels were great, the babes were awesome, and band was just sublime. They played all the hits – new and old. Including one of my faves, Like You Madly – check the video!
Yes, yes, settle down… It has arrived, shortly after the radical success of the iPhone app, comes this, the 2oceansvibe Blackberry app. You must be beside yourself! Now you can finally tune-in to 2oceansvibe Radio with just one click on your ‘BB.’ Then all you do is plug it into your car the same way you would an iPod. Welcome to the future.
[If you’re looking for the 2oceansvibe BLACKBERRY app, CLICK HERE] Yes it’s true that you can stream 2oceansvibe Radio on your smartphone just by going to, but we have a special new treat for the 2oceansvibe iPhone users out there. Finally we have developed the 2oceansvibe iPhone app! The app is free and you […]
There has been so much press about the new iPhone 4 and its various pros and cons, that I doubt I need to educate you about them. The point is that people who have had the last two or three iPhones don’t give a toss about anything but owning the new one. And that includes […]
I was browsing the overseas newspapers on my iPad and spotted something on the front page of yesterday’s Daily Telegraph in the UK. Check it out – bottom right: With the launch of 2oceansvibe Radio, I am naturally drawn to articles like this – especially when they’re on the front page. Really interesting stuff here […]
There are a lot of iPhone apps out there and, as much as I would like to focus on all of them, my attention has been fully diverted to the new kid on the my block, the iPad. By the way, did I tell you that I subscribed to 12 issues of Wallpaper magazine for […]
I’ll be honest, I’m settling into the iPad quite nicely and starting to incorporate it into everyday life. I genuinely find typing on it (in portrait) an absolutely pleasure, typing at virtually the same speed as I do on a normal keyboard. Look at me, being all detailed and informative, like I’m not on my […]
I featured the all new Google Maps Street View vibe the other day (on the iPad nogal), and, whilst I was able to show you some of 2oceansvibe’s favourtie landmarks, I’ve been DYING to get some roadside funnies captured by the Google Street View cameras. Finally, 24 Apollo Road in Ocean View, just outside Kommetjie, […]
Those of you following 2oceansvibe on Twitter would have seen this yesterday. You see, I was rubbing my new iPad against my body and accidentally opened up the TIME Magazine app. It’s a much celebrated iPad app and you can see why. This pic was captured as one of their five best pics of the […]
All protocol was relaxed as we granted one photographer and virtual-tour expert (Panascape) unprecedented access to my suite at the Cape Royale hotel. As it is my primary residence, you can imagine what intimate never-seen-before details were caught on camera. The virtual tour itself let’s you cruise around the Cape Royale hotel (spinning 360 degrees […]
“They” come out with hundreds of thousands of new apps every month and, very often, they’re rubbish – often making use of some of the iPhones hardware unnecessarily. Not this time. I found this little gem which will be very handy for our 2010 WC visitors wanting to take a break and catch a flick. […]
You can only imagine the zone you can get into, listening to some vinyl, with a joint in one hand and your new iPad in the other – on the day that Google Maps goes live with “Google Street View” for Cape Town. My God, I have traipsed every square inch of this city, all […]
I sent the incredibly awesome “Drummer Guy” video to Dom (The Blonde) and Dave (Baby Jesus) of Goldfish fame, before I put it up on 2oceansvibe the other day. I emailed it to them with the subject, “a gift for you – thank me later.” They responded that it was, indeed, genius. So today, Dom […]
The Apple Icon is one of the world’s most powerful brands. Not only does it front the most economically powerful leisure technology manufacturer in the world, it is also a lesson in simple, elegant design with the aesthetic legs to carry it through multiple decades. Which is precisely why you should slap a mo or […]
If you are thinking about going to South Africa for the 2010 World Cup, then this application is for you! Let your iPhone or iPod Touch become your travel companion with The South Africa Travelers’ Kit, which contains essential information that you need to have at hand when visiting the Rainbow Nation for the World […]
My buddy Shaun Trennery over at Izimvo sent me a link yesterday about something called the “Air Display,” which is a wonderful app for my new iPad (Digicape smartly gave me a test unit, before they hit our shores – so be sure to pre-book yours!). Shaun obviously caught my barrage of tweets, as I […]
Benni McCarthy Gets A Game After All! Benni McCarthy Gets A Game After All! – With only 10 days to go until the 2010 FIFA World Cup kicks off, Electronic Arts South Africa presented the South African national football team with Sony PSP’s as well as the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ game. There […]
Yesterday was exactly one year since we published the now famous Cape Town Waterfront iStore article. To celebrate this milestone, we checked our Google stats and noted that that particular post is in the Top 20 most read articles on 2oceansvibe (ever!), with close on 8,000 views in the last 12 months (currently 7,675 visits)! […]
Check it out, there’s this new website that is linked to Twitter. It’s called “Twitures” and it let’s you just look at just the pictures of a specific user. See what they did there with the name? Pictures on Twitter = “Twitures.” Good one.. Here is a screenshot if you go to the 2oceansvibe Twiture […]
I am getting pretty excited about my new iPad which will be in my hands in a couple of weeks. With that in mind, I found myself browsing the net for accessories. Needless to say, Louis Vuitton have come up trumps with their range of iPad covers. Just LOOK at these beauties! I would probably […]
My beautiful babies, Daddy has snuck out of town for a month. I know I should have told you properly before I left, but if I had done that, you wouldn’t have let me leave. Everyone knows that an “Eagle Claw,” when performed by a model, is infinitely stronger than a Pit-Bull’s lock jaw. I […]