We all started dreaming about house-cleaning domestic robots ever since we saw those efficient little robots zipping around spaceships in the ‘Star Wars’ movies. While we might not have achieved quite that level of household domestic robot penetration just yet, we’re not far off.
Last week we published a story about the mysterious ‘Google Barges’ that had popped up in the harbours of Portland, Maine and San Francisco – and caused mass hysteria as people attempted to guess what they were for. Some suspected a secret water-borne data centre, or a marketing platform, but Google has dispelled any myths with a recent statement.
Yves Rossy and his jet-pack are by no means a new story. But flight after flight, he continues to capture the world’s imagination with his ability to fly at over 300km/h with apparatus that is controlled in the palm of his hand.
This kid has clearly not seen a day without playing football. How else could he be this good at such a young age? We’ve seen all the pros do some fancy flicks on the sidelines, like Mesut Ozil’s chewing gum trick, but we’ve never been given a performance quite like this one.
Humour is one of the best ways of dealing with kak news. The proposed Secrecy Bill is kak news. So, Right2Know is hosting a night of comedy and biting satire along with some of South Africa’s best comedians.
Okay fine, so it’s not National Geographic, but any international recognition is good recognition, right? In a post that lists some of the world’s most colourful and attractive nieghbourhoods, its good to see some local South African flavour chucked in to the mix.
Jaimie Alexander – heard the name? If not, don’t be too concerned. Apart from appearing in a few low-budget horror flicks, she hasn’t made much of an impression on Hollywood. That is, until she decided to step out onto the red carpet without any underwear.
If you’ve been struggling to find the right movies to watch this year, there’s no one better to take advice from than Barry Ronge. Wait, no, not Barry Ronge – Quentin Tarantino.
Whether we believe in the magic of David Blaine or not – we can’t help but enjoy his big stunts for their sheer spectacle. Especially if that spectacle involves doing a ‘magic trick’ on Kanye West and making him look silly.
Dirty Skirts lead singer, Jeremy De Tolly, has been working on a soundtrack for a new project called ‘Into The River’. The project is written and performed by 75 year-old John Cartwright, ex-Dean of the Arts Faculty and English Professor at UCT.
Is this a good thing,or a bad thing? The thought of your home being controlled by Apple gives off a distinctly ‘I, Robot’ kind of vibe. Imagine you come home and within minutes your TV is set to your favourite channel, your lights are all on and the kettle is already boiling – without you having to lift a finger. All because your iPhone sensed that you just got home.
It’s every gamer’s conundrum – the Playstation or the Xbox? Of course, those loyal to desktop PC’s will dismiss both options, but those gamers who need more than a keyboard and mouse will be looking to invest in one of these new devices – but which one?
If you think this is a story about a talking dog, you’re wrong. This is a groundbreaking story about what researchers at Duke University are calling “the most scientifically important dog in over a century.”
Previously unheard audio recordings of Marilyn Monroe will be used in a new ad for Chanel’s iconic fragrance. In the clip, Monroe confirms that she doesn’t wear much when she goes to bed, only Chanel No.5.
When it comes to comic books, they tend to diversify their characters by adding different powers, different colours or different capes. Very rarely, they’ll chuck in the odd female superhero. But never have they really ventured very far into racial or ethnic minorities when it comes to creating new characters. That’s all about to change, with the creation of a new superheroine. A teenage Muslim girl from Jersey, Kamala Khan.
Being a consumer is great when you have two heavyweight tech brands fighting to the death for your money. The competition between Google and Apple is heating up – and that is totally fine by us. In response to Apple’s launch of the iPad Air and OS X Mavericks, Google released the new Nexus 5 phone, as well as their new Android operating system. But they didn’t stop there.
Right. When you’re expecting a child, you’re also expected to make some sort of announcement, have a baby shower, or some sort of event that pre-empts the possibility of one of your friends complaining that ‘you didn’t tell them’. Most people tend to do it the old fashioned way, and some don’t even bother. But one couple from North Salt Lake City decided to do something a little different.
This is awesome. A busker in Berlin was caught on camera by a passer-by when he was playing ‘Smalltown Boy’ by Bronski Beat. Halfway through, a bald man and his dog approach him as the man begins to chime in. Surprisingly, he sings pretty well. The busker doesn’t seem too fazed by the whole ordeal, until he realises that the bald man just happens to be Bronski Beat’s legendary frontman, Jimmy Somerville.
The [insert country]’s Got Talent franchise just keeps on cropping up with so many gems. If it’s not an ugly woman who can melt your face with her singing, it’s a ridiculously precocious little kid who can play the piano like Beethoven. There just no end to the amount of people who have talent – despite their limitations.
Andrew Merryweather was a normal boy leading a normal life. That is, until a brutal assault involving eight schoolboys in Claremont left him paralyzed from the chest down. Now permanently wheelchair-bound, Andrew has become accustomed to his new life on wheels – but this doesn’t mean he’s given up. His determination to walk again just might make him Cape Town’s first bionic man.
There’s been plenty of talk about how awesome Elon Musk is. The guy has become something of an enigma, what with him being the CEO & CTO of SpaceX and CEO & Chief Product Architect of Tesla Motors. He’s also in the news for his ideas to turn James Bonds Lotus Esprit submarine-car into a real submarine – and for his grand ideas for the construction of the hyperloop.
There have been sightings of four mysterious ‘barges’ floating in the San Francisco bay area. Journalists and coast guards have gone to extra lengths to find out precisely what these things are, and to whom they belong. Sadly, they’ve managed to find out nothing, except for the fact that they belong to Google, and that the internet-giant is using them for some sort of secret project.
South African-based ad agency, Joe Public, created this masterful campaign for a school in Johannesburg that teaches in both English and Afrikaans. The campaign features a series of posters with poetry on them – that’s not the clever part though. The clever part is that each of the poems can be read word-for-word in both English and Afrikaans, with only slight changes in meaning.
News of Elon Musk’s plans to completely revolutionise personal transportation with the ‘Hyperloop’ emerged some months ago, but now it’s gaining speed as Musk’s dream slowly materialises. Now, the group that is going to develop the idea has stepped forward with an official name: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc. But you won’t believe the other names that were floating around…
Ever doubted that Google Glass would take off properly? One of those people who dismiss it as futuristic brouhaha? Be prepared to eat your words. Google Glasses are already out there, being worn and tested by an elite group of ‘chosen ones’ or ‘Glass Explorers’. Google has already had feedback from developers, and released a hardware upgrade for the product – and now they’re upping the stakes with an online accessory store.
The 13-inch MacBook Pro has been a mainstay of laptop computing for years now. What’s phenomenal is the sheer consistency of the product – delivering top end aesthetics and performance year, after year, after year. This time Apple have, similarly to the new iPad, slimmed everything down without compromising on performance or display.
Trust the Japanese to invent something like this. It’s been a long time coming, ever since the world was introduced to the idea of synthetic smells with the brief,but interesting spell of ‘scratch-n-sniff’stickers. Now,instead of making smells come out of stickers, they’re making smells come out of your phone. That’s right, they’ve made a smartphone accessory that can make your room smell like coffee. Or Bacon. Or Curry. Whatever revs your motor.
Judging from initial reviews, it looks as if the iPad Air is just as much a massive leap from the iPad as the MacBook Air was to the Macbook. Apple has challenged itself to produce something fresh, after recent iPads have more or less stayed the same,with the 4th-generation actually being bigger and thicker than its predecessor. Apple wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice – and the iPad Air certainly delivers.
Could we ever truly live on Mars? The mind boggles at the thought of it – partially because so many questions remain unanswered. Will we be able to come back? Will we be able to breathe up there? It just seemed too implausible to truly happen. But doubt no longer, because we have confirmation from this here infographic that a Mars settlement mission is very much on the cards.
Some of you might have noticed the hashtag #phonebloks flying around the social media world yesterday, and wondered where the hell it all came from so suddenly. The answer? It was a social media ‘thunderclap’ initiated by Phonebloks. Phonebloks started out as a simple idea just over a month ago. Dave Hakkens, the man behind the idea, basically wanted to create a phone that produced less waste – a phone we could keep.