You’ve heard the odd horror story about how his back was overgrown with hair, or felt legs that resemble a needle factory – fear no more, and send this on to your mates in need of a push.
I love a good entrepreneur. They are doing it for themselves and thinking outside of the proverbial box. Take at look at these clever guys, investing all their hard earned cash.
It’s always advisable to know what we are putting into our bodies. Sometimes, however, the ingredients section of your favourite product doesn’t cover everything you find inside.
The saying goes ‘cutting off your nose to spite your face’, but this guy has different reasons for removing his smell-machine. No friend with a quick word in his ear before? No one.
It’s about time we took a long, hard look at ourselves. Steroids in schools? Yep, it’s a thing now. Thank you Boksburg.
So you’re telling me I need to exercise less in order to be healthier? Thank you science, you have outdone yourself.
The world is advancing with regards to medical science, and this step is going to make changes for thousands of people the world over.
With summer well under way, I can only hope you have been smothering yourself from head to toe in sunblock. Come on, do the right thing for your body.
Yeah, they’re not quite as cool as Bill Nye but these scientists from the University of California, Irvine have done pretty OK with their latest finding.
We like trying new and exciting things here at 2ov. After all, variety is the spice of life, yes? Well, we may be giving this guy a miss if it reaches our shores.
Bruce Jenner, once an Olympian, has been causing rumours to fly for the past few years – his appearance has changed quite radically and he has divorced Kris. What is going on?
“Sorry, Honey, but I am just too tired for sex today”. You hear that too many times from your partner and you start to wonder if they don’t like you or if they find your underwear offensive.
We don’t pretend to think they’re healthy for us, but sometimes the craving becomes too strong and one must give in and munch down a box of McDonald’s fries. Find out how they are made here.
Being a mother isn’t easy, so we find it kinda cool that Finland helps its moms-to-be with a box of baby goodies. Your move, South Africa.
One is a diet made famous by a rancorous elder gentleman who refuses to listen to other opinions. The other is the diet of the Zimbabwean president.
In case you have the need to really stand out in the crowd constantly, you can now go and get your eyeball tattooed. I’m not judging. Jokes. I totally am. Life is not Avatar, guys. It will never be real, no matter how hard you try.
Fear not, dear world – soon we will have a reprieve for everything, and even kids who were destined to struggle through life could become the next Mozart. We can thank science for all of this.
Megan Fox has had a career like a roller coaster – it really has been up and down. What she has managed to keep vaguely alright is her body. But she let it slip in one department.
Here’s how you can transport yourself each evening to an island of your choice and give yourself a little health boost all at the same time. It sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it?
At last, concrete evidence that screaming out foul, dirty words is beneficial. Get ready to stretch the vocal chords, it’s for your own good.
This is going to make you want to order a salad for lunch and dinner and the next 400 meals you eat for fear of ever turning into this wondrous couple. Ooh, celery! Nomnomnomnomnom.
When it is summer, you want to feel your best when you pop on down to the beach or want to wear that cute pair of frayed denim shorts. For some, that can be terrifying. There is hope though…
Spending 24 hours a day locked up in a cell doesn’t seem like much fun, which is why this Belgian prisoner had an unusual request.
I read somewhere that their periods attract bears. Now it seems they may also aid women in achieving a popular new year’s resolution.
A rare medical condition called ‘diphallia’ has resulted in a man having two fully-functional penises. After penning his memoirs ‘DoubleDickDude’ sat down and revealed all in this latest interview.
We know you’re going to be frolicking in the sun for the next few weeks, and that you want to look your absolute best for your holiday snaps, so here’s a little suggestion…
There’s a certain liquid doing the rounds at the moment. It’s perfectly legal, tastes divine, and might just save your life. So much so, they even used it in drips during World War II. Check it out.
Don’t you love it when you get to your hot dates house and their dog makes a beeline for your groin and just nuzzles there for a few seconds like you’re going to whip out a big piece of fillet? No, you don’t.
If you are about to have a baby and are terrified that you will be the parent who forgets it in the baby car seat for seven hours whilst you have a much needed nap, then you need to see this.
You want to be at your most optimum health, for as long as possible, but when we all self diagnose and take a million different pills and supplements, you might be taking that optimum to zero.