Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Things Look Pretty Serious In The New Godzilla Movie [Video]

This is awesome . The next Godzilla movie has been made. They’ve even made a trailer for the film, which doesn’t show much – as is the common practice of film trailers. But it does give us a damn good hint as to what this movie is going to dish out. And it looks epic. […]

2,000 Teens Destroy Home In #MansionParty

This is when the power of social media becomes way too apparent. Thanks to the likes of Facebook & Twitter, a teenager in Ontario managed to attract 2000 of his peers to his parents not-yet-fully-built- mansion. The result was rather expensive. The teen used the hashtag #Mansionparty in his tweets and other social media posts […]

They’ve Made A 360 Camera – And It’s AWESOME [Video]

Forget the hype of the Go-Pro – this new little gadget is going to rock your world. In a 360 degree view. Centr is a new UFO-like shaped device that you get to control with your smart phone – and it lets you capture everything in a 360 degree view. It’s like a Go-Pro, but […]

Stop Everything – They’re Making A ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ Sequel

Bring back the nostalgia of the 1980’s! Beverly Hills Cop…is coming back. If you are old enough to remember 1984, you were living under a rock unless you recall the cinematic highlight as being Beverly Hills Cop which starred the most celebrated of black comedians, Eddy Murphy. Fast forward to 2014 – And they’re making […]

New Mice Experiment Might Reveal Key To Eternal Youth

Thank you science! A new experiment using mice has shown us that there might be a way to keep us young….FOREVER. New Studies published in Science & Nature Medicine show us that when scientists took the blood out of young and spritely mice and injected it into the bloodstreams of old and creaky rats, the old rats […]

Manxiety – The Angst Felt By Single 30-Something Men

The truth of the matter is that it is no longer just woman who become gripped with icy fear the morning they wake up in their mid-thirties to discover that they are still single, childless and minus a tight, flat tummy and the smooth contours of a wrinkle-free face. We’ve all grown-up with the image […]

How To Beat Anyone At Ching-Chong-Cha

The age old “random”decider of all things: the Ching-Chong-Cha! The also affectionately called Rock-Paper-Scissors has been baffling scientists for years and just when they thought they had finally cracked the “complex” code of this game of chance, someone has come along and told them they were wrong, it actually works in a far more complex […]

Whoah! Check Out This Rare ‘Goblin Shark’ They Caught [Image]

Imagine something crossed between the Loch Ness Monster and a lantern fish with those giant cage-like teeth… got it? I promise you, what these fisherman pulled from the dark depths of the Gulf of Mexico is more beastly and freakish than the image in your head. Patience, I shall reveal the horror shortly. Like most […]

Obama The Comedian At The White House Correspondents’ Dinner [Video]

Now this is our kind of president! Publically mocking the failures of his policies and generally showing us that no one is too big or too serious for a gentle roasting from good old Barack. The U.S. president and first lady annually host a dinner for all the big wigs of the media, studded with […]

Get Driven To Voting Stations For Free Like Zuma

Voting Day. Whether you are one of those peeps who sees this experience as an utter schlep or not is irrelevant – It’s something we all have to do. Doing it is one thing – getting there is another. Here’s how to get your FREE ride to the voting station. UBER will drive you to Voting Day […]

This Video Got Freshlyground Deported From Zimbabwe

Southern African band Freshlyground were scheduled to perform the closing number at the Harare International Festival of the Arts. Shortly after their arrival, however,  Freshlyground were rounded up and shipped straight back to whence they came. Four years ago they were banned from performing in Zimbabwe as a result of their video: Chicken to Change. The video is aimed […]

Nkandla Was Nothing: R2 Billion ‘ZUMAVILLE’ Gets The Go-Ahead

Okay – so President Zuma has now officially entered himself into the ‘unofficial’ competition known as , ” World Leader Most Capable Of Insulting The Population’s Intelligence” . This guy really doesn’t get it, does he? The media has been awash with non-stop criticism about the obscene amount of money being thrown into Zuma’s Nkandla […]

You’re Not Allowed To Take Selfies When You Vote

Here we go again. Just when you thought that taking a selfie was starting to become a little less fun than when this recreational activity was first conceived by a bored human spending way too much time on their mobile cellular device, the selfie made a come back! The latest trend world-wide in the selfie-related […]

This Is What Kids’ Ride-Ons Were Always Missing – A Remote Control

If any of you reading this have taken the plunge into the life-time responsibility known as parenthood, you might appreciate the fact that we are living in those times where kids need a little extra stimulation to have fun. That’s right, in the age of erupting electronic technology, gone are the days where kids could […]

SA’s Own Wikileaks? New Website To Publish Stories Editors Avoid

How often do you hear someone say something outlandish and justify it with the right to freedom of expression? The new Secrecy Bill in South Africa does make this somewhat challenging for media houses and journalists who have views that don’t 100% support the ruling party. For all of you who agree with the likes […]

Local Big Brother Has Full-On Sex Scenes Without Condoms [Image]

Big Brother Mzansi contestants Mandla and Lexi have yet again decided that fornication on national television is a normal thing with in which to partake. We think that if you are going to do something like this, you might as well just make a porno. At least make it lucrative for yourself, right? The outcry […]

Tate Britain Opens Nymphomania Display

Nymphomania, for those of you who do not know, does not specifically refer to the insane and uncontrollable desire for sex. It’s quite gender-specific actually. In  the late 19th century, Nymphomania was a mental-illness diagnosed to woman who had what would by todays standards just be a regular sexual appetite. So what would happen is […]

America Gripped By 4-Year-Old’s Near Death Account Of Heaven And Angels

Colton Burpo is a special child. At the age of 4 his appendix burst and doctors told his father Todd, that his toddler would not survive. Did we mention that the Burpo family are devout Christians? What happens next is one of those things that would make Richard Dawkins pretty agitated and has the Bible […]

What’s The Best Phone For Business? [VIDEO]

Microsoft is known to have made some of the best Windows phone operating systems and of course their office tools are still pretty badass. And now that Microsoft has completed their acquisition of Nokia, they have the potential to step in to the gaping gap in the market left in the universe of other purportedly […]

Do You Still Not Have A Luggage Scale? Get Yours Delivered For R190 Here

A luggage scale is more important than you might think. Especially if you spend more time sitting in the business lounge of  an airport than on your living room couch. It can become rather tiresome to constantly guess the weight of your luggage on your frequent trips or having to pay more than you actually […]

This Is The Easiest Way To Get Your BEE Certificate

Adhering to BEE legislation is a vital part of your responsibility as a business person in South Africa, but more than a handful of people shy away from starting their own enterprises because they imagine that the the paperwork involved, including obtaining a BEE certificate isn’t worth the major effort. Reality check: it’s dead easy. […]

The NBA Has Punished Donald Sterling HARD For His Racist Comments

The NBA‘s Clippers Team owner, Donald Sterling, no longer owns his own team. Shame. NBA commissioner Adam Silver made this call and banned poor old Donald from his own team because apparently Donald is racist and Adam is not. Let us explain: Sterling made some pretty outlandishly racist comments, which were then recorded and published […]

‘Go Fuck Yourself, Cape Town’ Blog Post Goes Viral – Gets Response

If you haven’t read it yet, now might be the time to do so. Jade Mitchell’s blog received some serious attention last week when she posted a scathing observation about Capetonians and their unwarranted sense of superiority towards themselves and their city. Titled “Go F***ck Yourself Cape Town” , the piece details an array of […]