Ok, I’ll just jump right into this one.. The Telegraph has revelead: A lifesize gold statue of Kate Moss as a “modern-day Aphrodite” with her legs tucked behind her head has been unveiled at the British Museum. Siren is made entirely of 18 carat gold and will be displayed in the museum’s […]
The spiritual leader of the Kom Skom, Mettie, sent this in. And I tell you what, it is RIGHT UP THERE with the big ones. His excitement was palpable: Rothers, Have you seen Diesel’s new Safe for Work ad? It’s Fucking rop bru! Mettie What Diesel have done, is they have completely mocked the […]
While we’re still reeling at the news that the USS Theodore Roosevelt is docking in Table Bay, we receive an additional assault to the senses with the recent intelligence that Paul Allen’s other yacht, Tatoosh , is parked outside The Cape Grace ! Come now! AND Mark Fish is with GoldFish on Luv Sport tonight! […]
I received some awesome entries for the Rocking The Daisies VIP ticket competition, which closed on Monday. You might remember the two winners, who won a pair of VIP tickets each. That’s right – Vee Eye Pee, my mate! Although the competition is over, I simply have to publish this pic I received on Tuesday […]
If you haven’t caught the Bud Light – “Real Men of Genius” ads on YouTube, then you’ll realise, even more, why you’re here. It’s because Seth gives you the stuff that’s important. The stuff that people are really talking about – when they’re done talking about the “economy” and “global warming” and “CSI:New York.” This […]
Strength in numbers.. SAVE OUR JOBS!! SAVE OUR JOBS!! Yes, I thought you might enjoy that. It’s obviously not a real pic of the employees blockading the offices. It’s just a joke. If it was real you’d see them flying their learjets into the Lehman buildings, a la Osama. It is interesting to […]
Because we’re all part of the same family, it is no surprise that everyone’s favourite “jazzy house hipsters,” Goldfish, are live on Friday night’s fifth edition of Luv Sport (guests including Mark Fiiiiiish) – on SuperSport 1 at 21h10 (channel 201 on DCTV). And that, ladies and germs, is one night before they perform LIVE […]
Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean… This is pretty hard core news. Iol reports that the National Nuclear Regulator has given permission for the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) nuclear powered aircraft carrier to drop anchor in Table Bay. Sick! Maybe we can plug Eskom into the boat and power Cape Town for a couple of years. […]
I don’t know much about Star Trek. I know William Shatner might have been in it. And Doctor Spock, with his funny ears. But then it gets hazey and the Star Trek vs Star Wars vibe starts to happen. There’s that little freak robot called R2-D2 and his crap gold robot friend – now I […]
I was surprised, amused and concerned (all at the same time) when I spotted this TIK test in the local 7-Eleven. Or, “Friendly” Store as it is actually called. It doesn’t make a difference what the place is called; it will never deter from the fact that it has always, and will always, have the […]
It’s ALWAYS great when someone finds the time to note down the various kill stats for the Rambo movies. Up to date as well! Rambo’s stats With an average of 2.59 people killed per minute, and a near doubling of the total number of people killed, since Rambo III, it seems Sylvester Stallone‘s […]
De Grendel Wine farm. An exceptional range of wines, grown and harvested on the De Grendel Wine Farm in Tygerberg, with beautiful views of Cape Town’s Table Mountain.
Remember last week how I was carrying on about the EuroMillions Superdraw? And you remember how I go on about the fact that you have to be in it to win it and only a fool would abstain? It looks like this young lady followed through on that sentiment and got 5 correct numbers. Because […]
Don’t know if you caught this in The Times last month with the sub heading, “Accused said he was going to sort it out ‘the Irish way’“ A Western Cape pensioner who shot a man in the knee in a fit of rage over slow service has been handed a R5.7-million bill by the […]
It’s crazy to think that it was a full year ago that we were galavanting around Darling and enjoying the Western Cape’s premier music festival with SA’s hottest acts, live on stage. And this year it gets even more crazy, because they’ve thrown in the likes of Eagle Eye Cherry with The Dirty Skirts, Goldfish, […]
Here are some recent pics of Paris Hilton at The Abbey Food and Bar in Los Angeles. She’s throwing around a whole new vibe. Change of hair as well, I see. Hilts throwing a whole new vibe I’m fine with it. Good accessorising with the bag and heels. It’s good to change one’s […]
I must say, it’s about time someone broke it down. Hilarious reading for those of you who feel the pain. Important reading for those of you who have no idea. I enjoyed the third commandment, “Thou Shalt Not “Friend†People You Don’t Actually Know” Add as friend? What does the word “friend†mean to […]
I swear to God. This is not a hoax. Scarlett Johansson married Van Wilder star, Ryan Reynolds this weekend. All this, while Paul Newman was dying. Scarlett JohanssonOff the market I cannot confirm what effect this will have on marriage certificates which feature Scarlett Johansson under the “Celebrity Indiscretion” clause. You know, the part […]
Our World Cup 2010 mascot is an Asian cartoon looking leopard with green dreadlocks. His name is Zakumi. There never could have been a mascot that would have impressed us. It will ALWAYS be received by hand-cupped gasps of, “OH MY GOD!” Zakumi It’s not shocking as much as it is disappointing. Once […]
With MNET going for the versatile, yet semi-fresh, Shrek 3; it was annoying to find e-TV went for Bad Boys – as MNET win this week’s round of the Sunday Night 8 o’ clock TV movie wars. BAD BOYSe-TV get lazy Sunday night 8 o’ clock movie aficionados will agree that e-TV have […]
The biggest SuperDraw Jackpot Prize of 2008 takes place tonight. €130,000,000 is up for grabs. That’s one hundred and thirty million EURO’S! And YOU can win it, right here in South Africa. Or, anywhere you are in the world, for that matter! I’m not going to go on about what you can buy with it, […]
Jonty sent me this wonderful overview of our new president, Kgalema Motlanthe. Kgalema Motlanthe South African President September 2008- The incredibly thorough report which spans everything from his childhood years to his views on Zimbabwe, included this little piece: In an August 1997 interview with O’Malley he spoke with grudging admiration of […]
This, from finalternatives.com: If hedge fund managers don’t want to see pictures of their bare breasts published in a national magazine, they had better keep their shirts on at parties. A Manhattan judge has tossed out a lawsuit filed by hedge fund manager Maria Kristina Dominguez, who accused Vibe magazine of publishing a photo […]
I was feeling a little peckish the other day. I knew I shouldn’t be having carbs, but I felt noodles could slip through the net without detection. I wasn’t close to Long Street, so Noodlebosch was out of the question. And I didn’t hangover so I couldn’t deal with the dried out nonsense from Knorr, […]
You’ll remember the latest hot-off-the-press news that my folks have bought a scanner and have been emailing me a steady flow of early pictorials. And by “steady flow,” I mean “barrage.” This, the latest installment, shows Seth’s incredible focus and determination. Seth – the BMX days “Oh my God! That picture of you as […]
Please enjoy this, from The New York Times: A former cabdriver who struck it rich in Russian oil and went on to invest in Manhattan real estate has signed a contract to buy a Fifth Avenue mansion for $40 million. Duke Semans Mansion Quite mean Tamir Sapir, who immigrated to the United […]
I know a lot has been said on these pages in the past, and I understand that some of you might think I’m waging a secret little war against the Shimano-ladened breathren. But I’m not. I’m just teasing. I’m just being observant and asking questions. Like right here, right now. I promise I’m not “having […]
Still wading through the aftermath of the instant fame he received following his well documented delivery/encounter (article here) with a gaggle of hot Camps Bay babes, Brendan, the Butlers Pizza “celebrity driver” is still a very hot commodity. Take it from me! I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting it. Nor did I expect any driver […]