Friday, March 28, 2025

February 10, 2010


The beauty of this Man TV series for me is not the show itself, but more the fact that it is shot in Cape Town; and in Cape Town “everybody knows everybody.” So it’s one thing that we can watch a “reality show” about these guys on TV but I’m more interested in things once that is finished. And that’s when we tune-in to “season 2” of the reality show – but this time it’s in real life with no cameras – with each episode formulated from information shared on sms, twitter, facebook and general Cape Town word-of-mouth!

Locals will agree that it’s not very easy to hide in Cape Town – and if it’s a reality show you want, it’s a reality show you’ll get! You can even play a starring role in the show this time – if you get close enough.

How exactly will these guys fair with guys and girls on the streets and in public and on dates, now that their inner thoughts and alcohol-fuelled feelings have been exposed on TV? How, for example, will future dates pan out for some of the guys, now that girls know that they refer to a night out as “hymen hunting?”

Now THAT, my friends, will be great viewing!

Here’s a clip from last week’s show (episode 3):

To fill you in:

3 Weeks ago, MAN strode onto SABC 3 screens across South Africa and candidly announced that, like it or lump it, we’re here to tell you what we think. So far we’ve met Maurice, the late bloomer whose candid interaction with the camera is tempered only by his boyish sense of self discovery; Kaizer a brawny self confident character whose love of women, yes, all of them, ensures his black book sees more traffic than the N1; and Trevor whose even temperament and acumen make him the most socially in tune of the bunch.

To date the guys have explored attributes and characteristics of the Alpha Male, and the Metrosexual. Testing their swagger in clubs, bars and markets, and their prowess as dates in kayaking, luxury spas and some phallic pottery classes. Kaizer hasn’t wasted anytime getting to grips with a Dutch girl, only public decency restraining his second date from becoming explicit. Likewise, Trevor’s date in episode 2 seemed to hold promise, or at least some interesting looking pottery. After an unceremonious first date, Maurice spent episode 2 wrestling with a flagging mojo and unconducive pick up environments. Let’s not forget his pick-up line, “are you still married,” to a new mother.

Catch the next episode on Friday at 21h30 on SABC 3.

Find out more about the show at