Friday, March 28, 2025

May 14, 2012

I’m Seriously Considering Going To Space

That’s right, I am officially considering it. I spent some time with Virgin Galactic‘s Commerical Director, Stephen Attenborough (no relation, but an appropriate coincidence, nonetheless) the other day, as we shot the breeze at the Mount Nelson hotel. ETV News captured our conversation, so keep an eye out for the Tech Report on Thursday nights (channel 403 ETV News at 21h30). I do all my own stunts.

So anyway, I discussed the idea of going to space with 2oceansvibe Chief Whip, SilverStreak, and we both agree that one can be sure to dominate conversation for quite some time after returning. From Space.

Mates would return from climbing Kilimanjaro and they would be raging about it – saying how “epic” it was.

Really, was it THAT epic?

Surely nothing would really matter anymore, once you’ve spent time in space. Once you’ve had that opportunity and that moment to look back at Earth – perspective that only a special few will ever have. That’s when you realise how silly it all really is. Are we just molecules – like in a drop of water? Because that’s even bigger than what the Earth is, compared to the solar system. Do the atoms and molecules inside a drop of water also have iPhones? Is there a chance that they might even have the iPhone 6?

Streak researched the issue further and found this great comedy clip by Rhys Darby, a Kiwi with a beautiful wit.

Check it out – watch the whole thing – it’s quality humour. I like that castle bit at the end as well.

Very good.

CLICK HERE for Virgin Galactic’s website. It’s cheaper to go to space than you think. It’s only $200 000 (R1,5 million). That’s like a very small one bedroom flat in Camps Bay, or a ranch in Parklands. For an experience of a lifetime?

I’m seriously considering it. And I think you should too.

I think you should even think about borrowing the money, just to do it. 

Imagine the advantage you would have over everyone in business? You’d know everyone’s moves before they make them. As I said earlier, the perspective you would get would be second to none!