Tuesday, March 11, 2025

SA Diplomat Can’t Stop Trashing Apartments Around The World

It's now emerged that a South African diplomat, under investigation for trashing an apartment in Vienna, is making a habit of it.


Being a diplomat is a pretty cushy gig.

South African diplomats living abroad are given huge ‘living allowances’, on top of their salaries, so they can shmooze in style.

However, not all of our diplomats are flying the South African flag proudly, with numerous allegations having been levelled against Los Angeles consul-general Thandile Sunduza, our country’s top diplomat in the US city.

Now you can add David Kweli Nkosi’s name to that list, with two allegations against him of causing extensive damage to apartments he has stayed in.

According to News24, the first allegations relate to an apartment in Vienna, Austria:

[When] Nkosi, moved out of the apartment in Vienna, the owner, Karl Widy, discovered the extensive damage.

It will cost an estimated R715 000 to repair.

Image: ORF / AfriForum

Widy told the newspaper that all the electrical appliances in the kitchen, including the fridge and microwave, were destroyed. There were no glasses left, and valuable cutlery was also missing.

He also alleged that the door and window frames were damaged, and the sink, bath and toilet [above] were stained.

Widy also said the apartment was “infested” with cockroaches.

Fun fact – two months ago, department of international relations and co-operation (Dirco) spokesperson Lunga Ngqengelele said the matter was receiving urgent attention, adding that the diplomatic mission had indicated it would repair the damages.

As in, nothing coming out of Nkosi’s own pocket, so you and I would be footing that bill.

Now further allegations of the diplomat leaving his accommodation in a state of disrepair have emerged, following written questions submitted by DA MP Darren Bergman to International Relations and Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor.

Her responses, again from News24:

“The department was advised by the mission that there are no arrangements made to pay back damages as the mission did not agree with the landlord’s claim. A request for a legal opinion has been submitted, with a view to getting guidance on the legal options available to the department to recover the debt,” she said.

Pandor confirmed that there was a similar allegation against Nkosi at a previous posting in India.

“As a result, the landlord in New Delhi submitted a report on damages to the property that was occupied by the official to the amount of INR306 850 (R53 612.20).”

So in excess of R700 000 in Vienna, and in excess of R50 000 in India.

On that occasion, Dirco had footed that bill, but Pandor said that the department had written to Nkosi earlier this month requesting he pay it back.

I would love to see his Airbnb rating, as well as his Uber passenger rating. I would guess both are rather low.

Must be nice, being a diplomat and not being liable for anything yourself.
